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About Mikey-uk

  • Birthday 01/14/1993

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    United Kingdom

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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. I'm sick of everyone quoting the same 'echo brakes must leak' bullshit. Mod Mark used to run them as far as I know and they were fine, he even mentioned somthing about it was only a bad batch that leaked. I've also ridden a bike with an Echo TR (I know its a different brake but same concent) and it was amazing, even without a booster it felt amazing solid.
  2. I have nothing able to cut like that :3 I'll just lace it 4x when I respray it.
  3. Havnt tried 4x :3 I'll try that later, need to respray my rim as I didnt sand it enough + didnt laquer. Thanks guys.
  4. Heya guys. Currently running 3x on my 36h wheel (bmx, used on front) but the spokes are stupidly long, I've litterally used about half a roll of insulation tape so they dont poke through. I'm thinking about lacing it snowflake? I dont care much about improving strength but I dont want to make it as weak as soft cheese. Can anyone link me to a guide? If anyone wants to put input towards other spoke patterns that I could do (I want it looking awesome but still being quite strong) Thanks.
  5. Heya guys, during the process of spraying my spokes white I accidentaly got the hub, aparently just taping it isnt as sufficient as delacing. Anyway, delaced now buuut I wanna get the paint off, the hub isnt completly sprayed, its black underneath but under the black its raw (just tested sanding a patch) Anything I could use to strip it? Cheap? Without removing the other paint? Cheers, Mikey.
  6. Wrong, many people will claim that vee's are better (myself included) and running the adaptor makes the maggy perform horribly unless you're amazing at setting the adaptor up.
  7. You guys shouldn't bother replying. He asked for your help not your opinion, he wants a smooth rim so let him have one. Use sandpaper to smooth your rim, start slightly rough to wear the grind down and slowly move onto finer and finer sand paper untill its back to smooth, give it a clean to get rid of the metal dust and you're done. ^^
  8. Your lack of intelligence confuses me, he was confused because you said on a mono only one pad moves. He then gave you some help related to your issue in which you reply, again, that it is not a mono.
  9. Deffo keep the lynx. Imo it looks amazing, dual disk is win, etc.
  10. All of those services want to charge over £90 and/or wont even take the item for its volumetric size or summit ¬¬
  11. Ah phil! Havnt spoke to you in a while... Its actually going to Luis, I think you've met him? I'll speak to him and i'll let you know if it can wait a week. Cheers for this
  12. I meant I would like about £20-30 Most of them say 'that parcel takes up x kg worth of space so we'll charge you for that" and it ends up over £90
  13. Heya, slightly OT but it is linked to trials... Anyway, I cant find any cheap websites to send a bike to Guernsey, Im on about £20-30. Can you guys suggest any sites?
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