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Everything posted by BringThatShtIn

  1. Fail. Rob I'm on holiday so ring me =) I'll get back into it.
  2. Torrentscan.com =) Searchs all the torrent sites.
  3. Screwdriver between the spokes, hammer end of screwdriver so it pushes against the sprocket, work your way round, eventually you can lever it off =)
  4. Birthday tomorrow! So same I think I'm coming Chinerry, you'd best be happy.
  5. Says 36 in the info thing. I'm not going to say wow, I'm going to say.. Jeepers!
  6. Roses are red, Violets are blue, Some poems rhyme, But this one doesn't.
  7. Well if you know so much then what is the 'right way' then? How do we gain 10kg in a few months? How tall are you and how much do you weigh?
  8. There's your feedback =) Finally lol.

  9. Lol I got this a bit late.. It would've been a bit complicated too trying to get there, party in west hendred or something like that, driven to Didcot, train to Twyford, train to Henley, and then put wheel on bike after I've pit the tyre and stuff back on it, train from Henley to Twyford, train to Reading from there. All would've been a bit much lol. Anyone fancy Reading again next Sunday? =P
  10. Ash.. What about that Reading ride like 2 weeks ago? Didn't that count as a proper ride? Also, *stupid tongue-sticking-out face that only you can do*. Also, if I can be bothered to put a tyre and stuff on my wheel I'm in lol =)
  11. Well we'll see you next Reading ride then? Why does Jack have this reputation lol?
  12. My brother already had MW2 for the 360. I geuninely hate him right now lol =)
  13. I don't like those words together, especially when I'm one of the locals
  14. I do that lol :$ Not with you though, with a certain other rider, cough Jack Meek cough cough.
  15. Is Operation Flashpoint worth getting? I got FIFA09, COD4/5, Midnight Club LA, Rainbow Vegas 2, LittleBigPlanet (which is amazing, no jokes about it ), Killzone 2 and Smackdown Vs Raw 09. PSN= mmetalheadd. Don't ask....
  16. Take 22 and divide it by 18. Multiply 18 by the answer and you get 15.33333333333333rec. So 22:18 is exactly the same as 15 and a third. That's how exact it is.
  17. Mark Webb is my DT teacher =) But I guess it's a different one lol.
  18. That's actually a really interesting idea lol, I'd never thought of that, but it makes sense. Still, 22-18 is the same as 18-15 to a third of a tooth...
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