Aha what is the point of this except a little help . Anyways here we go , Ot: - Off trials or off task , Fs: - For sale , Tgs - Tap gap sidehop . Well thats all i could think of ... Josh .
There is only a small difference between mod and stock really . Well i think . Mods are generally more flicky and easier to chuck around and if you have the right set up on a stock and you are tall you can probally treat a stock as flicky and chuckable . Its mostly down to personal preference when it comes down to wheel size but 26" wheels generally are better at rolling over rough terrain such as rocks and 20" are more bouncy to even out the differences . It doesnt change how big you go as it is in the riders technique/power/balance and all round feel for the bike . I think mod bikes are easier to progress on as they are smaller and chuckable as i have said above . Its what you think ,
You need to give us a bit more information as we do not know you and what is wrong with your bike or what you are doing wrong . If you are finding it hard to bleed the brake take it to your LBS ( local bike shop ) and they should be able to sort it out for you . Josh.
Hi I would recomend a mod bike as stocks are hard to learn on . Mods are generally more flicky and bouncy so its easier to learn the basics. This bike is a bit old but if you are looking for a Stock bike you may be better off with something with a more up to date geo if you get me . Hope i have helped . Josh .