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Everything posted by Winnie

  1. Winnie


    Just watched it at work and uncontrollably burst into hysterics at that clip.
  2. I've not rode a mod for years and they were never my cup of tea so i don't know a great deal about them because i've always sticked with stocks. However, i recently got myself a 24" and i completely love it so i have sold my stock. The transition has been nice and easy with no fuss. It might well be the same with mod, i don't know, but i'd just go with what you favour and have taken a shine to and just get it. I think it's very much down to individual preference and these things can easily get over thought and complicated - something i do regularly.
  3. I know what you mean because some of my mates have done that very thing - got in a relationship and then you only see them twice a year. But i've always kept a good relationship with my friends so i know they will probably be there if i need them. The only thing is that i've not told anyone yet and to be honest it's not something i'm keen on bringing up in a face to face conversation just at the moment. I'm just not sure how to handle things - hit the bottle and drown my sorrows, be pathetic and sit at home pinning after her, pretend everything is ok and it doesnt bother me, look for another girl and get back in the game a.s.a.p. either way i doubt any will cheer me up right now. Shag someone else and a cheaper Christmas i suppose!!
  4. Broke up with my girlfriend of 6.5 years yesterday. It's kind of been coming but i thought we'd be able to sort things out and now i feel a little lost to be honest. Not quite sure what to do with myself really. Got the joy sorting out cars, holidays etc to come.
  5. Winnie

    Yet More Danny Mac

    Anyone know the name of the track on this? Is it a remix of Lemon Jelly - In the Bath? Heard Eric Prydz play it at Digital in Newcastle and never been able to find out what it is.
  6. From the Lisa on Ice episode: Homer: I don't want you to treat her (Lisa) different just because she's a girl! Ha, that kids got bosoms! Uter: Don't make me run, i'm full of chocolate! (as Homer chases after him whilst flicking him with a wet towel).
  7. I've recently renewed my love for the Simpsons after losing interest in it. So, for a giggle what are your favorite Simpson's lines? There's so many but just to get the ball rolling here's one from an episode i watched last night - the one where Mr Burns wants his teddy bear, Bo-Bo: As Homer watches tv, Maggie waves the teddy bear in front of the tv as Kent Brockman does a newscast about the teddy bear. Kent: The Burns bear, possible the most valuable bear in the world, could be anywhere, it could be in your house, you could be looking at it right now, it could be right in front of your face as i'm saying this to you waggling back and forth, perhaps being held up by a loved one. Homer: Maggie, i'm trying to watch tv, put that mouldy old bear down! Mouldy! Old! I'm going to get something to eat!
  8. Winnie


    It's hard to explain but i always have dreams where something is happening and i lose the ability to do the simpliest of things. Like, i dream of playing for Newcastle but no matter what i do, stand on the goal line or whatever, i can't score. Or someone is in trouble and i can help them by something basic such as just talking to them but i lose the ability to speek. Or, i ride my bike but for some reason i can't peddle anymore. There's a million scenarios and the dreams vary extensively but you get the idea. It's so frustrating and i wake up in panics most the time. I'm probably just warped!
  9. I think it's great if JD wants a kid and being 22 shouldn't matter as long as you have a baby for the right reasons. best of luck mate. I personally don't want a kid and i can't see me changing my mind anytime soon and i'm sure the women feels the same. Whenever me and the women have been "unsafe" we have both been worried and rushed to the chemist at the speed of the light the next morning because that's just not for us at the moment - we enjoy our relationship with out that responsibility and love the make it up as we go along lifestyle. I like the idea of being a dad but i can't take care of myself and i am way too irresponsible to look after a kid and i don't really want to be restricted like that just yet. One day maybe though.
  10. I can see what Anzo is saying about the trust thing because it is/should be stating the obvious but i'd not read too much into it. Something like that could eat your brain and is probably nothing other than being open, honest and straight down the line with you after a slightly confusing and mixed up start to the relationship, if you know what i mean.
  11. I've had bad experiences with O2 myself. They basically kept billing me for made up calls and charges. I've had to reclaims £100's back off them over the last couple of years. I'm still on a contract like just because when i'm not being billed "accidentally" it works out a fair bit cheaper for me and i get a new phone every year. Saying that, i'm not really that bothered about the phones themselves as long as they work and do what i want them to do.
  12. My girlfriends parents are top notch. I fortunately get on with them very well and they are both a lot of fun. I often go for beers with them, on holiday etc. Sometimes i think i get on with them better than her! Enjoy!
  13. Well done mate, like you say stuff like that is best said in person. If i were you i'd just look forward to having a good night tomorrow and save the proper relationship stuff till a convenient time - have a cracking time with her first! You will come to the deep stuff at some point in the night but there's no rush.
  14. That was my theory, and i guess it was my mates judging by his reaction to not receiving a phone call, but this lass was 25 and still on pay as you go!
  15. Just to check, she will have credit on her phone or whatever won't she? Just in case she can't ring you and you start to get a little worried. My mate went bonkers at his lass because she never called him one night and to cut a long story short it was because she didn't have any credit - It's safe to say he looked quite the pratt. Yep, that sounds a good approach, hope all goes well!
  16. Bad times mate, hope things work out home. Have you spoke since the other weekend other than the couple of texts? I'd give her a ring for a bit of a general chat without throwing any relationship questions in and see what the response is like. If good, ask to meet up for whatever you're planning, if not so good just ease off and wait a little while. Like Greetings says ease on the topic of the weekend if you can but don't force it.
  17. I think showing emotion is pretty much something that most blokes find difficult. I didn't tell my girlfirend i loved her until after a couple of years of going out even though she told me after a couple of months. I just couldn't do it for some reason, even when pissed, even though i knew i did. If you can't remember because you were wasted i would ask her again and just be honest that you can't remember and explain how you feel. I know it's hard but getting stuff straight out there tends to be the best way to go i reckon. I'm being a bit of a hypocryite there like but when i have sucked it up it has certainly been worth it. Was she hammered too? If so, she might not remember what you said or even what she said? She might be in the same boat and a little confused? It's hard for your brain to relax ain't it when the women is there!! Good luck pal!!
  18. They do get hold of you like and sometimes it feels like you just can't win. You obviously like the girl and it's hard when you both aren't quite on the same wave length. Have you tried explaing how you feel and what you want?
  19. She can be quite bossy but i can handle that and it doesn't bother me. You are pretty spot on with the theory of "i would like to" = "we are" but she would never admit that. If i said no to something she'd just sulk and then i get the picture. The thing is we've been going out 6.5 years and i know her all too well but i still foolishly "think for myself" at times. However, i'm the type of guy that would do anything for anyone most of the time and when she wants something she expects it so on the odd occassion when i need a little flexibility she sometimes kicks up a stink i.e. last night. I guess that's why she doesn't like me going to football because if she wants to do something there's absolutely no chance because football comes first - well i've paid for the ticket!! I laugh over it most times but i cracked last night which i shouldn't have done because, yeah she was being moody, but i shouldn't have said some of the things i did. However, i feel great today so maybe letting off all the steam that's been building up over the last few weeks has done me good.
  20. Well, all my moaning and depression the other week seemed to be turning on the up side. The 6.5 year relationship looked like it could be saved and started to get back on track again and we both were happy to try and sort things out and get back to having fun. Things were going great but last night we had a totally raging domestic in which i nearly smashed her head through a window. She started being arsey with me because she wanted to go shopping last night but i couldn't be bothered and i said i was tired but i'd go another night. Being a women, this was not acceptable and started being moody. I went to the game Monday night and didn't get home till nearly 2am and had to be at work for 8am so i was cream crackered and wanted a lazy night. Ever since we started going out she has had a little issue with me going to football, she won't admit it but sometimes you can just tell she's not overly keen on me going. I'm not sure what it is but it has caused little problems in the past albeit nothing too serious. Anyway, she snapped at me for asking if she was ok (she snapped at me all morning pretty much everytime we spoke) and i lost it completely and started shouting at her and i told her to pull her head out of her arse. This went down like a lead ballon as you can imagine. After the huge barny things simmered down and we got back to being civil but there was still a frost in the air. We're now talking again more relaxed and have gone past it but there's still a little bit of an atmosphere. I'm not the type to hold a grudge and sulk about it but last night i was concerned we were back to square one but i'm past caring about breaking up now and just going to take it as it comes. I just want to have fun and enjoy myself, preferrably with her but what will be will be and it's not going to get me down. I'm basically putting this down to her being a women and nothing else. Agree?
  21. Well guys, i'm not quite in the failures club yet as the chat hasn't quite got to a conclusion like i wanted. Don't get me wrong, we made progress in whatever direction we are going but we haven't quite got there yet. Basically, we've talked about a lot of stuff, she admitted being very distant and losing a bit of interest with the relationship and explained her reasons for it which i can understand. She wants to go travelling next year, however, i can't as i'm currently doing a 6 year part-time structural engineering degree which doesn't finish for another 3 years. It's always been something she's wanted to do and is of the opinion that i'm too content with my life to ever want to go abroad when i finish my degree. I don't agree with that because if i pass my course i'm off to get more dollar elsewhere but i can understand why she thinks that. However, i'm not going to try and convince her because if she wants to go she's best of going when she wants, right? We've been talking for over 3 hours so this is only a small part of what went on. There's still something between us but we have issues which possibly can get sorted out but also maybe not. There's stuff that i had also started to neglect that have made her feel a little unwanted which is obvious now she's pointed it out so there's things from both sides. Unfotunately, she noticed i was "a bit on edge" and i looked like i "had the weight of of the world on my shoulders" but overall it went well as far as getting somewhere goes and answering a few unknowns but a resolution didn't come and it looks like another night of it on my mind but i'm a little more content. So at the minute, not quite there but jogging on. Round 2 tomorrow night!! As for cuttung heads off pictures, i was only joking
  22. Cheers mate, i'm going to strap on a pair and take that stance. I want it sorted tonight because the sooner it is sorted the sooner i can get on with it. I know i'm saying now that i'm not going to take any messing around like the big man, which i won't, but i know if it comes to that i will be understanding but crushed. However, i'll keep it to myself, keep things as best humoured and civilised as i can then wish her all the best. Then i'll go home with 8 cans of Stella and cut all the heads off all the photos i have of her
  23. It appears she does need a change and us together is just not what she wants anymore. Funny you mention holidays because i began to notice the problems on our last holiday in June. Since then, its been a steady decline. She has just text me and i'm going to meet up with her tonight so we'll see what happens. However, i asked her straight out does she want this relationship and her answer was "i seriously don't know" so it doesn't look good. I'm at the point now where if that's how she feels then i just have to accpet it because in the long run it will never be the same and i'm better off getting on with my life. But no matter how hard i try to cement that theory into my head i struggle to come to terms with that my girlfriend and best friend for a significant part of my life may no longer be around.
  24. Well, my relationship of 6.5 years is pretty much on its arse at the minute and has been building for sometime and i feel like i'm getting to the point of having a nervous breakdown. My friends reckon i'm turning into a raving alcoholic but i wouldn't quite agree with that but i feel really quite lost at the moment. Obviously we've been together a decent amount of time but this year we've kind of been slipping apart. We use to live in each others pockets and be together most of the time if not all the time. We still had healthy social lives with friends etc but things have changed over recent months and especially over the last 3 or so weeks. Basically, we hardly talk at the minute and have only spent a matter of hours together over the last few weeks which is totally not like us but it has been building up for some time. To me, it seems like she has no time for me anymore or she simple can't be bothered but doesn't quite see it. I have asked if she wants to do many things but she's been "busy" everytime i've asked. So i thought to myself lets just give her some space and she'll get in touch when she's ready so i never text her or anything for a few days until she text me yesterday morning questioning why hadn't she heard from me in a few days, which i thought was bizzare considering the many times i had tried to get her to do something - talk, have tea, anything. Anyway, she then said "i think we should have a talk" and i think i know where it's going. For my own sanity i want it sorted so i ask shall i see you tonight to which she replies "i'm busy" at which point i started tearing my hair out - i'm going to have no hair left if this goes on much longer. I've asked again if she wants to talk tonight but no reply as yet. I'll be honest, she was/is the first girl i went out with that i actually cared about so i'm scarred i'm going to loose her. I hope we can sort it out and it's just one of those ruff patches but i have little confidence that she wants the relationship to continue and think it might be time to say goodbye. All that little stuff that made us special seems to have disappeared. Maybe it's for the best and i'll get over it, right!?
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