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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. MrMonkey


    Dads are funny like that, of girls. I dunno why I quoted this post but yeah. Basically just make him think you're better than what he sees you as. Like drive up to their house in a Ferrari and wearing a suit and give him some diamonds and say "The car is yours" He'll come around then.
  2. I play it, I think there's a 7 day free trial running at the moment. If you do play it join NC and talk to me you can gun in my whopping robot :lol:
  3. Take it to your local computer shop they'll build it up for around £30.
  4. Even though that's what I said. Think you might wanna re read. And the 6600 may be better than the 9800 which is pretty obvious, BUT I know that the *800 for both types works alot better than the *600 especially the 6800GT which in my opinion is one of the best cards on the market right now.
  5. I'd stretch it to the 3700 as it has the 1mb cache on it. And for GFx cards try and get the 6800 or X800 as the 600 of both types are pretty mediocre.
  6. 2.2Ghz AMD is the 3200+ I think, which is the same as a 3.2Ghz Pentium. I'd say an AMD 64 3200 or 3400+ Processor, 1-2GB of PC3200 DDR RAM, HDD at least 120GB, Graphics Card ATi Radeon 9800Pro or above.
  7. Actually bands barely get any profit from the sale of an album. A record company usually says "Here's 4 million for an album" They take the money make the album all profit goes to a record company, or am I wrong?
  8. MrMonkey


    Banana and sugar butties for the win (Y) :wub: :- :D :S :) :D :D SMILEY SENSATION.
  9. MrMonkey


    That's the best idea, unless you want to get into a relationship with her. Anyway, she's obviously not sure about how you feel etc after what happened. And sleeping with some other randomer can't of helped. Chances are she was all nice in real life and then told you that over MSN because there isn't any face to face contact so it's not as intimidating etc. You'll just have to see, she might be trying to find out herself if you still have feelings for her by seeing how long you try to get her back for. Take her to nice places, make her feel special and all that jizz. That should speed up the process.
  10. I think it's something to do with the air molecules getting extremely hot and with the heat reflecting from the floor aswell they move much faster. But not sure could be completely wrong.
  11. Sexually excited you say. Spell check too from now on. It ain't hard.
  12. You can get little scramblers or something that jam the signal for your car, and they wreck the gun aswell. Or maybe I'm talking out my arse.
  13. Makes me feel like I have a life.
  14. That's still a problem, they shouldn't be stuck together.
  15. Yeah I watched it now, was expecting her to turn into a skanky face and a rather loud RAWRDSNFOFN or something, but yeah it didn't so it's all good. Unless I have testicular cancer of course.
  16. I saw the turn up your speakers or volume or whatever bit. So I dunno, I might do but I am still wary.
  17. I take it it has something to do with a loud noise and a scary picture, so I'll leave that one alone :)
  18. MrMonkey

    £2500 Fine.

    Easier to crack down on massive amounts of data movement and also more cost effective.
  19. MrMonkey


    Maybe you could ask a dolphin to do it with you then. He's a little bit weird, on a hugely demented type scale. His first sexual experience was with a dolphin and when he was 12, can you imagine saying that. "Oh I lost my virginity when I was 12............. to a dolphin." Mike that's weird, don't side with him... He's different hang him from a tree. *Grabs flaming torch and a pitchfork*
  20. To me yes it does. I like to know why people do things, that's all, I didn't mean it in a derogatory way or anything.
  21. That's cool, better than most ideas. But my main point of quoting your thing was why under your picture does it say "Tis me there that is" When you're from Essex? And obviously don't have a Yorkshire farmer like accent. And why do you say Thanks Callum and they end of every post? Are you thanking Callum, or are you saying thanks for reading? Or thanks for looking, or thanks for making this post so I could post in it, or thank you god for giving me such a enormous penis. I dunno, I'm confused.
  22. They look at your results before you go to interview, if there's you and someone else at the bottom of the interview liest both with exactly the same results and they only want one person they'll look at your GCSE results, unless one person can't write an application form for shit (Y)
  23. I hate you both. Muahahahahahaa. But you're both right, I ain't that much of a twat in real life. Is it really possible to be as annoying as I am in real life? No I didn't think so either.
  24. Your employer won't say that :blink: If you don't have a C in Maths, English and Science they may reject you on that basis.
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