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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. MrMonkey


    Especially if it's your penis that's getting the double kissing attention.
  2. But the other half have said yes so it's still pretty close.
  3. :'( That's f**king quality. I wouldn't go as far to call them anti-semitic jokes, obviously they have a hint of racism, but you know anti-semitism is something I've always associated with Hitler etc, so it might just be me being wrong again. You won't tell us your jokes because they are poo :P
  4. That can be a major problem, not related to what you said but still. If you wank too much, then you want a quick one, it can take f**king ages I started too early and did it too much, no more quick wanks for me I'm there for ages and you need so much porn aswell, thank god I have about 10 freesites, completely free aswell, one with full 3-4GB movies, PM me if you're interested, if you are under 18 I will not be able to oblige your requests. :lol:
  5. They can't you allow MOST access to your computer through an MSN conversation. But still you don't wanna add people like that, they might say "u r" instead of "ur" :'( That made me laugh, tell your mate a spelling god says to read what he types, see how stupid it looks and learn to use full and correct words.
  6. MrMonkey


    Men like women, in a more sexual way than women like men, men are usually attracted to a person MORE by looks than personality, well in general unless someone has a really great personality or something. Anyway, that means 2 (Two, deux etc) women going at it makes your dick poke out your pants, and as you try to push it in you get more aroused, we don't know why it comes out but that's not the point, the pushing down motion then releasing pressure and going down again makes this white fluid come out and a strange feeling that's rather nice. That's why we like girls kissing.
  7. I have a friend who proclaims that more girls do it than the ones that say, unless they are something she said and I've forgot. But still she says that most girls tell their close girly friends but not just friends etc. So girls rat your masturbating friends in before they do it to you so they can't claim you did it as revenge :'(
  8. Doc - "Hello, how can I help you?" Man - "I've got an orange willy!" Doc - "What?" Man - "My willy - it's turned orange." Doc - "Umm... I'll have to look that up. Ah, it seems it could be a sign of stress; do you suffer from stress?" Man - "Not really" Doc - "What about stress at work?" Man - "Well, I did have a nightmare job, a complete idiot for a boss, I worked 80 hours week for pennies and then I got the sack" Doc - "That sounds very stressful." Man - "Yeah, but my new job is great, half the hours, 3 times the salary and I feel really appreciated" Doc - "Hmm, what about your home life?" Man - "Well, my girlfriend was a complete cow, she nagged non-stop and put me down every chance she got." Doc - "That sounds stressful" Man - "Yeah, but I left her and I've never been happier." Doc - "I see, what about your social life?" Man - "Social life? I don't really have one." Doc - "Really? What do you do in your spare time?" Man - "Watch porn and eat Cheezy Wotsits." LOLLERSKATES.
  9. MrMonkey


    I heard a voice from my cupboard in my room once, or wardrobe or whatever, I'm usually a rational person, as in if it isn't proven by science it isn't real. The voice said "Is anybody in Carl" I f**king shat myself, I was awake all night sweating like f**k, shaking. f**k me that was scary.
  10. I'm 10 and a half stone and 6'2 and I eat like a pig :'(
  11. I knew it was something a bit weird.
  12. Horses rub it against other things, people with no hands use their feet. I was also rather addicted at one point doing it 2-3 times a day.
  13. MrMonkey


    I twitched one while I was a sleep so badly I hurt my neck :'(
  14. MrMonkey


    It comes up in a f**king huge red box at the top of the forum index, we didn't need to know.
  15. :'( Jesus christ that's the second time Al Fel's made my mum laugh in 2 days. No jokes about my mum and Al Fel getting together though.
  16. MrMonkey


    The plug socket, or a drainpipe if he's got enough girth.
  17. MrMonkey

    Ebay Help

    I have a good feeling it isn't a scam :-
  18. Bout 7 or 8 quid a month.
  19. No, it's some 'tard tryna be funny. In a very UNsuccessful way.
  20. MrMonkey


    So you have a low sex drive :-
  21. World Of Warcraft Planetside Counter Strike 1.6 Counter Strike Source Day of Defeat Day of Defeat Source when it comes out Battlefield Vietnam Battlefield 2 Demo and Retail when it comes out Star Wars Galaxies Risk Your Life (If I'm unbelievably bored) Mu Online (Pile of shit but fun on the odd occassion) Plan Of Attack The Bitter End HL2 Mod Cossacks 2 All I can think of at the moment.
  22. This is not perverse in anyway, but does prove some things. This morning I woke up with a problem (in my head I could get it hard) but I couldn't think of the answer at all, or the answer that was better for me. (It wasn't Maths or anything it was a question about my life etc) So then I decided to indulge myself which I doubt any of you really wanted to know about, but afterwards I could see clearly which was the better choice for me. So it's true men do think with their dicks until they've had a good bash.
  23. MrMonkey


    Depends how good your metabolism is and how bad the fat person's is, they might of eaten less depending on that :(
  24. Yeah wreck someone's life for a weeks fun, I hope you're having a f**king laugh.
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