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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. MrMonkey


    :) :P I nearly weed myself.
  2. Holy crap that sounds so cool. A ball of blue flame. I might go buy me some anti gravity candles :)
  3. MrMonkey


    If you look at the angle of her head, you'll soon notice it's for that reason it looks big. I dunno why I'm defending her but it ain't nice for you to pick fault without showing yourself.
  4. MrMonkey


    It's nice to look at something nice, like she is. The people who have voted no are either being gay or have some high standards. Or are weird and are picking faults.
  5. Because at first the odds were 1/3 for the car and 2/3 for the goats. So that's 66:33 to the goats,
  6. Ok if you put a bet on and your odds are 1/3 you get a third of your money back if you win, so £33 gets you £11 back BUT if it's 1/2 odds you get a half back which is £17.50 making them better odds.
  7. MrMonkey


    Yeah come on, last post before I play some BF2, but come on you transvestites.
  8. ONE THIRD, is worse odds than ONE HALF.
  9. I said this. 1/3 Chance to begin with. Low odds. 1/2 After a goat has been revealed. Better odds so change when you have the better odds. If that's wrong well shag me sideways I don't care :)
  10. MrMonkey


    Upto now the people who have come on are: Smo Richie Rocktrials I WANT MORE OF YOU NOW RAWR.
  11. MrMonkey


    It depends what you want doing. Say if it was something really small, that don't have much meaning to you right now there's no point. But if it's something that has alot of meaning to you right now go now, or else if you get it done later it might not have as much meaning.
  12. Ok, think about it like this, millions of flies in a line keep pelting the train, it starts to slow down and eventually comes to a complete stop. It's like if a wrecking ball hits a wall, it stops as it hits the wall but then continues to move through the wall.
  13. MrMonkey


    You know it foo', foshizzy in the hizzy ma nizzy, now stop posting your shit here and take it to PMs, address them all to Richie. Kerblamo, The Whore.
  14. MrMonkey


    I know now, that's the worst type of joke you can try. Agreeing with someone, I do it all the time so it doesn't even begin to annoy me. Kerblam.
  15. Yer which is what I said, but JT! said I was wrong. So it can't be that.
  16. That fly is hardcore, it could eat all your food without you knowing.
  17. MrMonkey


    Are you f**king retarded or blind, Smo was on before and there's people who are interested. You f**king fanny stop trying to wind me up.
  18. MrMonkey


    Definetely when I was in NMC there was around 10 people in there waiting to be validated, now there's bloody hundreds of them like rats. (Y)
  19. But it doesn't work. (Y)
  20. MrMonkey


    www.goteamspeak.com Download the client for Windows then do it through there (Y)
  21. Mavic you gotta remember that if you're in a group they will go for someone in a lightning style attack, pick off one, strikes fear into the others. But if it would of all been toe to toe your group vs there's we know what would of happened. Just think of it in the most positive light, when you're older you can move to somewhere without chavs, like America where you can shoot someone on your lawn for trespassing.
  22. MrMonkey


    I would love to live in Sweden, I might want to f**king learn. Instead of being here thinking "This is shit, there's too many mouthy little shits I wanna beat the f**k out of but going to jail wouldn't seem to be the best thing. As they'll make an example out of me but not all the chavvy runts." The UK f**king sucks at the moment, CANADA HERE I COME.
  23. They can't you're right, any turd could tell you that you were right. Next time you have a shit go and ask it this "riddle" and I bet it says 50/50 or at least 1/2.
  24. MrMonkey


    No just for us to talk, you can talk while on a game instead of coming on the forum though :P
  25. Which is still what I said, just in thirds not re-assessing odds. >.< I could of said the odds change to 1.5/3 (Y) I know I'm right, the person who made it up was obvioulsy like a hardened pig shit..... Thick.
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