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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. I dunno, I would upload it again but maybe a mod deleted it. Who knows. I don't wanna get in trouble. So I'll PM Danny (Y)
  2. Shooting hundreds of animals. That'd be alot worse, imagine line upon line of them and guys walking around with guns just shooting them, it'd be genocide. It already is but the deaths would rack up so much quicker.
  3. That's my point, you seem to dislike the idea of beating the animal before skinning it. But they can't afford injections per animal to put them all to sleep. I think we can all safely say we'd beat the shit out of them if we saw them doing it. Or buy all of the little fellas from them for like 30p or something. But since we can't do anything about it and the governments of the world don't care don't expect to see any changes anytime soon.
  4. MrMonkey


    I don't have one but I would of thought it would, as if there was no room for the stuff inside to move it wouldn't work to well (Y)
  5. Would you rather be skinned unconcious or fully concious?
  6. MrMonkey


    You can constantly cry with one eye (Y)
  7. It might not make their fur better quality but it stops them from moving so the fur isn't damaged during the skinning procedure. I am in no way saying I enjoy watching them do this, I just think it's unfair for you to say you want to see them die because they are trying to survive.
  8. I'm glad you worked hard on your response. I take it you agree I'm right then.
  9. You also deserve to die then, you will have two choices. One if to find a job, the other is to perish. This is a job they can do, their countries are far more primitive. If you had a two choices one to live and one to die don't dare tell me you wouldn't skin animals to live.
  10. Can you people please stop wishing bad things on these people who don't know better.
  11. MrMonkey

    Weird Game

    Hit some dude with a bike My current high score is 1969.70m (Y) It's great fun.
  12. His bedroom must be hot to melt down metal and put it into a cast to be shaped.
  13. (Y) :D This is hilarious. Ahhh glad I went to bed laughing about this. I do realise I posted it before someone thinks I'm supposed to be on a different account.
  14. Link removed 'cos it scared the shit out of me. You can find it in the Gallery easy enough though... What do you think? Ali C found the evidence, ChrisHayton helped examine as did I. I had to bring it to the world though. Search my gallery if you don't know what to do. Gallery Link
  15. I've tried it 4 or 5 times in this thread but everyone's had a go (N)
  16. Remember if your angry about what happened in this video, pick up your cat or dog and smack it's head against a wall to vent your frustration.
  17. MrMonkey

    Hidden Folders

    If his dad uses it an all. Good idea ^_^
  18. Yeah you won't have anything on it at all.
  19. Go in at 9 and 1. If you go in at 9 and it isn't on it's obviously 1 :-
  20. Think that's how you spell his name :- No-one to watch on daytime TV now, damn shame I liked him aswell. Countdown guy aswell if you didn't know. RIP Mr Whiteley.
  21. What now :- ^_^ So I wasn't wrong all the way through? But I was wrong at points?
  22. I am a penis ay, well at least I can read. If you look further down after my first post, you may read another one of mine. I would type it out again, but it would seem you can't read. So this post is also a waste of my time. Edit: Time for me to bash some small animal's head against a rock, I'll be back in a few. :-
  23. At least I gave a speedy response :- :"> :'(
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