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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. I get from 4-8 hours sleep just all depends on what wakes me up, my girlfriend goes to sleep at 10PM :'( I wish I could do that. Ahhhhh sleep. :blink:
  2. I haven't said anything about which is more skilled you idiot, if you can find a quote from me that says "Shooting a gun is more skilled than gapping a rail" go ahead. But I know you won't. So once again some people have realised arguing with me ends up in defeat and also makes you look retarded. I even have a quote to prove the latter :blink:
  3. If I had said that yes I would of made a hypocritical point. Strangely enough I never said he had more skill, I just said "Who are you yo judge which requires more skill" f**king hate arguing with people who can't read what I say.
  4. Especially the fact the black box on Ashton still shows a bit of knob.
  5. Add me to MSN like I've said. Obviously someone is pissed at me.
  6. Indeed, 20% warn for £10 anyone. You have have 2/3 of mine for that >_< Gained in the last 30 mins it's fresh.
  7. Harsh........... But true so it's fair.
  8. Because I hate people who put something they do above something someone else does on the basis of the other person couldn't do what they do.
  9. We actually had blue skies until like half 10, and what happened to my penis exploding post, since it was deleted my penis has actually rebuilt itself.
  10. Ok, let's go through this in baby steps. 1. You say that he won't be as good on a bike as any of us with a gun. 2. I say it's harder to use a gun than you think. 3. You claim to have experience with a gun. 4. That old man probably doesn't know what trials is. 5. Giving you an advantage to start with which he doesn't have so your comparison cannot work. IS IT THAT HARD. That's like racing a turd against a cheetah over 50m.
  11. Just give us the top 15 post titles, unless they are direct attacks to someone, but if it's me I don't care. And if I felt the need to I would post longer posts, just I'm lazy and type like a boob most of the time.
  12. If people want to kick me in the face because of that then that's their problem, not mine :(. I could understand if I was a generally nasty person, but I ain't. So smoke my monkey pole. The monkey pole thing was directed to you JT! just everyone in general who doesn't like me (Y)
  13. Ok, I shall begin my search now, for the cheapest and most likely worst damaged mini in the world. I still wouldn't know any different.
  14. Ooooooh I see, so you thought him having a ground start on a bike was fair to someone having a 2nd/3rd/4th rung up the ladder start. I read into people's posts I don't just read them. That's how come I thought you would of liked the challenge for the gun man to be fair, not for one person to have an advantage.
  15. I know this post has been done many times over but mine's more interesting that most (How couldn't it be I hear you ask, I know my followers I am perfect) anyways, I was wondering if anything interesting happens in SM Chat, like what's the current topic in there etc. I know at one point it was people hating Monkey >_< Has it changed or do you all still want to kick me in the face..... Post your SM questions here, not S&M questions (That's Sadism and Masakism (Not sure on the latters spelling)) Send me a PM about those >_<
  16. First problem, you couldn't hit a moving target for shit, once you are 15ft away from an untrainer gunman you have a 50% chance of not even being shot while running away.
  17. MrMonkey


    Any particular type of crisps or just anything?? I am definetely trying this, the rarebit thing and phil's suggestion of tuna and cheese (Y) Got my vomit bucket ready for tomorrow.
  18. Not to keen on the roof, looks like it may collapse.
  19. MrMonkey


    Ahhh the most filling thing ever >_<
  20. My mum said that room has nice windows. >_<
  21. That defeats the object of technology. Your point about it being slower than 2.99 seconds is wasted on most people with brains, firstly the it's a video not the real thing and secondly if it was 10 seconds I bet you still couldn't do it.
  22. My house, for tea and biscuits. I make the best tea ever. I use my very own man juice.
  23. Go and do it in 3 seconds then. Video tape it for us.
  24. >_< Last Update, January 3 2002. Nice.
  25. That's one Emo desktop, with the sad tiger and stuff.
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