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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. They always release 0* in 0*-1, towards the end of the year, just the way things are done. Onza did it with the 04 T Pro aswell if I remember correctly.
  2. That's not random, those things are sexy.
  3. Oh my god, that thing is uber shexualness.
  4. MrMonkey


    Oooo personal insults, at least I'm remotely original with mine. :blink:" FFF is all I have to say, FFF.
  5. Wow, 12 minutes to 8 that's pretty good timing.
  6. Bongo the shack is down you need a new host :blink:
  7. MrMonkey


    Yeah gays were tight jeans aswell. I like my baggy jeans. Room for my bollocks to swing.
  8. If your car has a DVD player yes :blink: And if your computer has a DVD writer.
  9. If I did that I wouldn't get experiences like this though would I?
  10. Ok then, I'll stop doing it, but only if someone else does it where it doesn't involve them being a dick, I'm sorry I like to see what people's opinions are rather than the same old "Oh that's really bad let's donate" Like in the gay seal whacking thread, I don't really give a f**k about the seals, it's cruel yeah but I couldn't care less. So what, I wanted to see what people's real opinions were on the matter not just loads of the same old "How can they do that" and "I'd beat the shit out of them if I saw them doing it". If you find that interesting ok, but I sure as hell don't wanna read 30 people posting the same thing.
  11. I don't do it to piss people off, sometimes yes on the odd occassion, but most of the time it's just people misunderstanding me and then going for a dig straight away. I just think that it's unfair for people to do that so I have a go straight back and because my post instigated it, it's obviously my fault. I obvioulsy don't want to get banned, but it isn't gonna stop me speaking my mind. If I get banned for something I say it's a difference in opinion that what I said was bad.
  12. :blink: f**king hell I was gonna say the same thing, but someone beat me there :'(
  13. I always will argue a counter point, some people still haven't realised this yet, but I don't like boring topics, I like to spice them up with swearing, pornography and arguments. Yet when I do this everything I say is automatically my beliefs, so I get called Nazi to Jesus. But some people won't understand that I don't wanna see 100 of the same post saying "Yeah I agree". So I dunno which is harder, I just know that saying one thing is harder than the other without being able to do either thing to perfection is stupid.
  14. How can I make an assumption if I say PROBABLY. That's not an assumption it's a guess, I didn't say he didn't know anything about trials. Oooooo. Monkey not for the lose FOR the WEEEEEN.
  15. No, I said "It's harder to use a gun than you think", in what way does that mean a gun is harder to use than riding trials. Uh oh someone's being assuming things, assumptions lead to argument losses.
  16. Because he kept using this face :'( (Y) :- :P Does that person look confused to you? When someone is confused about something you explain it to them, maybe you just f**king stomp on their head and say "Get offa ma dirt farm son" But I don't. I try to help.
  17. This links to number 1. This links with number 2. Number 3 baby. 4 foshizzy. That don't go with anything I just quoted it. Now, if we read my most recent post, you can see how it does make sense. It may not make sense to everyone else, but my lack of care seems to make it ok for it to make sense to me and no-one else. As most intelligent folk can probably see, I was explaining the conversation me and Robbo had, I was not expressing my views. I was simply repeating what had been said but shortening it because I'm a lazy twat.
  18. Maybe if you read the rest of the thread you'd see that's what happened though. Thanks captain.
  19. NO I WAS EXPLAINING TO HIM WHAT HE HAD SAID, IS IT THAT f**kING HARD. Jesus f**king christ. He said what he thought I said something he got lost or something I went through what had been said step by step but I just shortened each thing down for f**king hells sake. And how come you completely ignored chrishayton's post proving your gun knowledge similar to a computer after a grenade went off inside it. USELESS.
  20. Because I was going through with him what happened. Because he didn't seem to understand my point similar to you, might have to do it for you soon. Am I your secretary, no, you're just stoooopid.
  21. Please read the quote, it says YOU say, not I say, is it really that hard to understand I just shortened what Robbo said.
  22. Whether that was or wasn't a piss take. You must get much sleep then. :blink:
  23. I live for argument, now let me continue.
  24. Kerching that's what someone else said not me. f**king hell.
  25. Nah, it just makes you look stupid when you quote things like that. The person seemed to be making out like he had never fired a gun, I said it's harder to fire a gun than you think. In what f**king way does that mean I'm saying that it's harder to fire a gun than to ride a bike. f**king hell stop clutching a straws and find a decent quote.
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