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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. Wow, how did he do that hop 90 degree spin thing to the rock, meh maybe not as good as I thought but it looked rather impressive B)
  2. I feel strange not having the slightest of what you're talking about. Damn, this is great, similar to reading French. But more understandable than French. B)
  3. MrMonkey


    Calling someone something and implying it are different things, :S I don't think your gay anyway. I was only joking. B)
  4. MrMonkey


    I never called anyone gay. B)
  5. :- How much cheese is on them, a little bit ok but that's like half a block per crumpet (Y) Jesus that looks nasty, although I have never been a big fan of cheese.
  6. Awesome riding, although I've never seen someone look so small on a mod :- (Y)
  7. It ain't a hummer though is it, it's a made from scratch vehicle.
  8. Teeeheee pink pads, my cat has black ones because it is a witch. Gar my cat's annoying.
  9. If you have broke a bone in your hand even hospitals don't help, unless it's sticking out, they just say rest it. Great :- Anyways nice bail, undershot nicely :D
  10. Yes he can. That's why he owns the baddies.
  11. They were everything proof, he'd hide behind to protect himself from explosions etc.
  12. On second thoughts I won't argue because someone will just complain.
  13. That's what I mean, Vice City is nowhere near realistic, therefore if something does not exist it isn't what most would class as a realistic thing, thus making Vice City unrealistic.
  14. AHAHAHAHAAHAHA, stop smoking that crack, vice city is about as realistic as God.
  15. I know :- I would rather people judge me after meeting me, rather than than trying some baby psychology on me.
  16. What the f**k that's the truth though, bar a few people the general consensus is hate towards me, now f**k off.
  17. Anyone fancy a match of anything now?? Mesa bored and wants something to do.
  18. I'll have em, anyway, the one time I was sick more came out of my nose than my mouth. I tried to hold it in but it just came out a different hole and burnt like one hell of a mother f**ker.
  19. If only you would of got her number and posted it on here. The fun I, I mean we could of had. (Y)
  20. MrMonkey


    Try and get this one bdekoogelbgo. I know it doesn't say anything else, that's what makes it hard.
  21. It's a good thing that's stopped.
  22. MrMonkey


    No me, don't worry mon frere most abuse is aimed at me. (Y)
  23. I've played CS for 2 and a half years, it hasn't got boring yet, though I don't play as much as I used too. Was fun when my clan was about to get sponsored then the clan disbanded, we were only getting 10% discounts off some shitty online shop but still, I can always say that I was nearly in a sponsored CS clan (Y)
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