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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. Yeah but he called it an Inferior Microsoft program, I was just saying if it's so bad he should write a program himself, you whiney whore.
  2. Sent off for some application forms for a BTEC in Civil Engineering. And some info on some other Apprenticeships. :(
  3. Engineering Apprenticeship at Pilkington's Glass. Wooo, 2 Mechanical Engineering positions and 1 Electrical Engineering position. Maybe time to look for something else aswell :(
  4. Muahahahah I had one before I went, in like a minute. :( I think I did ok, I did a bit of blagging :( But still. I have to go back for a 2nd interview where I have to do a 2nd presentation and I'll be told if I got that 2nd interview soon. Time for me to look for other things because they aren't half f**king me about for what it is.
  5. Think it'll make much difference??
  6. MrMonkey


    Erm nice, one problem, genetics don't determine what you're going to do in your life. SOOOO from this we can tell that you can't be genetically good at a sport, you can be more adapted to it, but you ain't gonna be automatically good at it. Unless that's what you were trying to say.
  7. Oh Noes, my interview is in an hour, I'm a bit nervous now B) Anyway anyone got any last minute advice, or just anything to help me. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Help the Monkey in a suit. :S
  8. MrMonkey


    Yeah wait until it happens 3 times in one week, for no real reason, especially when you think what you said is normal.
  9. Is that the shiny sticker?? If so that's what I had to show them, not just the serial number.
  10. Major problem with the 9700s is everyone wants one, they run the same as the 9800s but as they aren't being produced anymore and are older they can go pretty cheap but the bidding can be fierce. So watch your hands :S Yeah and as Danny said if you can get a 6600 GT for a similar price definetely get it as they're pretty sexy cards B)
  11. Don't say inferior Microsoft products and continue to use so called inferior Microsoft products. If you think they're shit go code your own IM program. Seeing as you find them inferior. B)
  12. If you have the big Microsoft serial number your local computer shop should be able to sort you out with a replacement disc if nowhere else can B) Mine did, just needed to take the code thing to them and they gave me the disc and let me keep it the kind chaps. Though 2 days later they ripped my grandad off because he wouldn't listen to me. Ahhh well.
  13. daahnhillaaaa told me over MSN, that's why he said it could be closed and deleted or whatever B)
  14. Well, I like the fact it runs super smooth more than high quality graphics, but when something looks real you feel more immersed in the game. It just makes it feel more like you're there, in my opinion adding to the fun. Especially when a nade goes off near you and you hear ringing and your screen goes all fuzzy. B) But the 9800 Pro card should run it perfectly, unless you want some mega beast like the X850XT which is around £300, but your PC could have parts at lower performance which would cause slow down of the card to the rest of your computer's standard.
  15. MrMonkey


    People call you a nazi if you have a skinhead though, I just keep my hair short. Or I try to (Y) Short hair for the win, Emo hair for the lose. And no I ain't trying to get it into alot of posts. B)
  16. You'll have to take your own one out which will require you to unscrew it from the actual case, not very hard :S and unclip it from a brown AGP card slot, the 9800 Pro will require a connector to plug it in, which there should be one of coming from your PSU and going into one of your other drives, there'll be another dangly bit on it somewhere. Shouldn't be too hard, you might have to give it a fair pull to get it out and a fair push to get it fully in. If you're worried about braking something though just check google and you should be sorted for instructions. Also if you buy from a shop make sure you don't pay some extortiante price for an SE, as all of my local shops don't stock anything other than low quality cards for stupid prices. B)
  17. Ok, all my desktop icons have disappeared. I've restarted and they still ain't there can anyone help B)
  18. The 9200 wouldn't run it at any sort of none skippy level, my friend who has a 9800 Pro and an AMD 64 3200+ says it skips at first if he has his graphics high. It won't run at a higher resolution on my computer than 1024x768 if I have most of my graphics on high and if I have shadows on high my map is in a constant shadow. I have a 5900Ultra. Yay for Nvidia B) Obviously try it first though, saves you some money if it works :S
  19. 9800 Pro, about £80 from most places, probably less on E Bay. I'll let you look for yourself as that's part of the fun.
  20. MrMonkey


    What about us folk who don't fall into a category, we just get called "gay" feel for us people, feel for us. *writes a peom* AHAHAHAHAHAA. EMO FOR the LOSE. Anyways, I don't care what you look like or listen to as long as you ain't a bell end I don't mind.
  21. MrMonkey


    Climbing fences really has nothing to do with it, but never the less. Anyways, I'm pretty heavy footed but moving my large body mass around means that being light footed is pretty hard, especially with massive feet on wooden floors downstairs at 4AM. I dunno why I posted I just thought I'd say, bleh, to climb fences faster learn to jump higher and pull yourself up quicker, get one of them gay pull up bar things for your door or something.
  22. I love it when your half sick so just a bit of puke goes in your mouth and you swallow it, mmmmm it burns like a blow torch.
  23. biketrialler is your other account right?? If not I've being calling whoever that is Bennifer for like a month B) :">
  24. YAY you changed your name back to the cool version. Or maybe I'm thinking of someone else who I have been calling Bennifer thinking it was you. Hmmm, strange.
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