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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. Don't do A level Maths, it's shit. And completely inappropriate unless you do the Mechanics part of the syllabus.
  2. Ryan Leech is an amazing ride. That's my 2 pennies I know it isn't much, but he may not be the most "Trialsy" of riders, but it don't stop him being an amazing rider. Andy McDonald rode in the Gravity Games in Street instead of Vert, he was pretty awesome for a vert rider riding street. Imagine it being 2 completely different disciplines like that. They are both great just in different ways.
  3. I like it, I've always liked darker themes, I don't like the ones that copy off Macs, I used to have the GT ones. But yeah I like the little Alienware head that lights up teehee.
  4. Like I said I like most people here, until someone decides to have a go for no reason I don't mind them. When I take the piss it should be taken in jest, when I argue it's a debate not me trying to thrash you down with a spade. I have been thinking about getting a new bike soon, if it really means that much to you all.
  5. Because I like most of the people on here :S
  6. So what if I don't ride trials? Does that matter, if it bothers you so much put me on ignore.
  7. I use the alineware one, go to alienware's website and take a gander around for it.
  8. To be honest whether people like me on the forum or not is none of my concern. If I met someone in real life and they still disliked me I may wonder why, but upto now most people I have met in real life or who have talked to me off the forum seem to like my company.
  9. No, no I don't. If you were expecting any other answer than that you must of really thought I was someone I ain't on here. I'm really nice in real life though :S
  10. Hurry up and ignore me, but with Team Monkey it ain't just me anymore.
  11. MrMonkey


    Ok, I can't be bothered with the amount of stick I get on here anymore. I apologise to those who like me, but the sweaty c**ts who don't are annoying and don't understand the meaning of the word joke, they'll all post and say they do but yeah. We, the members of Team Monkey etc know what a joke is. Anyway, I'm going to pass the title of Forum Twat and General Annoyance onto someone else. Thank you for your time. I shall behave myself from now on, you have been an excellent audience, Good night. No this isn't a f**king attention seeking post you f**king bell ends.
  12. Well think what it'll be like when I post after every one of your posts purposely trying to do it <_<
  13. MrMonkey

    Anti Virus

    I use AntiVir Personal Edition. I didn't pay for it so I think it's free :S
  14. Contradiction from one line to the next.
  15. Why don't we just bring back 2 years military service? Spread out over 4 years, have armed soldiers walking the streets instead of police. It'll stop crime, also makes terrorism much less a threat.
  16. :S At this post, not at the people who've died but at all the people posting. When Setp 11th I feel the same as I do now, but alot of you seem to have this thing with "It's my country it's worse than what happened in your country", it's kinda f**ked up, alot more people died on Sept 11th, I ain't saying it makes this right, any loss of life for a cause that isn't needed is wrong, but you can't all of a sudden think you're some sort of activist because of what happens in your country. Look at Michael Moore, he won't do anything over this, his country he makes a fuss anywhere else I doubt he cares. Hopefully we'll finish them off this time. I smell a bit of World War 3 coming on aswell. RIP, to all the people who died today. And my condolences to their friends and relatives.
  17. Actually no I wasn't. I was expecting posts like this though, people thinking they can read me like an open book. Whoops you f**ked up. I need more people to humiliate constantly on the forum, so now you're on my list. Aswell as Corish and MadManMike. 3 Oh my god can I handle it, I've gone from humiliating everyone to just 3 people, holy shit this will be fun (N)
  18. Oh shit no, not an ID card, it won't affect normal people. It won't affect anyone. I can't see what's so bad about ID cards.
  19. I bet you can't argue for shit.
  20. That joke has been done. You aren't funny now stop trying.
  21. You started the flaming though :S
  22. God, that was your best come back. Something like, "So was that plastic surgery to fix that weird shit coming out your neck..... HOLY f**k THAT'S YOUR FACE :S " Would of been much better.
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