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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. The hulk is pure sex, as you're going up click click click click (half way up) BOOOOOM!! f**k me that was awesome. And I'm going again in 4 weeks wooot woooot, and my girlfriend's coming woooooooot wooooooooooooooot.
  2. When I got to the que there was no-one there, this must of been like 4 years ago, altogether there was a 30 min que if that. Strange :shifty:
  3. When I was on it the first time I pulled my legs right back and nearly had em in my arse I was that scared of hitting someone :shifty:
  4. Just found out my mum's wasn't free. She just had someone removed from it, my brother I think. Was classed as an amendment or something :shifty:
  5. Usually only get that after skating for ages because your legs get tired :shifty: Not as in going fast for ages, but I mean if you've been skating all day then start bombing it.
  6. I thought you could adjust the amount of travel forks had, so I would of thought you could have any forks and just adjust it. But I may be very very wrong.
  7. Hoho, depends who's in there with me :P
  8. Can't have a cold bath, that's weird.
  9. I'm sure it did, but you can't masturbate over imaginary images (or none imaginary images for that matter) of me. So can I have them back.
  10. Ahhh the joys of hot weather 32 degrees celcius nice and warm, but I decided from all this sweating a shower may be nice. I turn on the shower and undress (the part you all wanted to imagine) I got in it and f**k me sideways, it was like having molten lava poured on me. The f**ker's broke again, in the winter it was stuck on cold and now the f**king thing won't do anything other than flame thrower heat. Jesus christ. This probably should be in the angry thread, but as it's a bit summer-esque I thought it was worth it's own thread.
  11. My bird, no beer, no chavs, no violence, beach. That's my idea of fun. Sounds just like Florida, damn shame I'm going there in 4 weeks with my girlfriend, now how to remove my family from the equation.
  12. pubic hair After the pube dye incident :shifty:
  13. Nice clean shot of it's knob there. LOL That's made me piss my sides because my dog got it's knob out bit it and made it bleed, he had blood all over his chest and front legs :shifty: And Ali is that the pussy that was waiting for you in bed that time?
  14. Maybe so, I can wear stockings and have a handbag and not be be anything fruity though :shifty:
  15. What do you mean apparently, I'll let you have a go. Anyway, what's wrong with being gay or bi-sexual if I am. Aheheheheee, now where did I put my handbag and stockings.
  16. Yes, and that one was telling them it was wrong. But they wouldn't have it so he went to the Vatican. But still, purchase an aluminium baseball bat, then connect it to this Tim fellows brain. Or give your cousins knives and let them touch, twist and just generally gyrate them inside Tim's leg.
  17. A baseball bat + Tim's skull will sort this problem.
  18. My aunty had her persian cat stolen ages ago. Goddamn catnappers.
  19. Well, I don't exercise and eat nothing but shit. 11 stone at 6'2. That's thin by the way (N)
  20. Cat. Not a cat's chance in hell.
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