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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. If this "Jim" said "No Swap Backs" then yes it is his, otherwise I really think you should all stop arguing. And if this is what I'm like I may go and cut my ball sack off with a sponge.
  2. But it's more fun like this (Y)
  3. Not really, I just don't talk shit in Trials Chat, the shit stays in Chit Chat :shifty:
  4. If you've been trying a few days you would of been naturally progressing and changing things minutely just too improve it a little bit. Obvioulsy thinking in your head that you can do it would of helped aswell. It's like if you fall doing something it can really hold you back as you think "Well I can't make that so how will I ever be able to go bigger" and things like that.
  5. Oooo, so you're gonna beat him up for his wheel or something? Then he just gets you arrested of assault, then sues you for damages and buys a brand new bike. Hurray.
  6. Yes, it makes it look like I'm obssessed with myself. I don't see a problem with that ;)
  7. Always send things recorded and insured, they carry them with silk gloves.
  8. MrMonkey

    Team Monkey

    Don't want the job anymore, takes up too much time for the tiny amount of money, wasn't even for a position I wanted. Thinking about getting a part time job though :shifty: Somewhere shitty (N)
  9. MrMonkey

    Team Monkey

    Yeah, lack of money at the moment though. Mesa scoping some bikes though :shifty: But that is secret information.
  10. There's a few saracen mads and I know one of them is supposedly proper dodgy. :shifty: Hope you get it all sorted though.
  11. I don't say much as I'm usually in my house alone, so I've had like 5 hours silence. :shifty:
  12. Exactly, just the same as publicity. :shifty:
  13. MrMonkey

    Team Monkey

    Yes, I'm sorry I don't have a team of penises and brains in real life :shifty:
  14. Ahhh well, it just makes it look like you're all obsessed with me :shifty: So I don't care.
  15. MrMonkey

    Team Monkey

    Good, that means you know what happens.
  16. MrMonkey


    Ignorance, to the max. Max Power, dooo da deee da dooo.
  17. Warranty if you've only had it 3 months surely?
  18. MrMonkey

    Team Monkey

    Bongo said I went on a ride with him, he lives Near Liverpool, I also live Near Liverpool.
  19. :shifty: I've seen you offer that as a solution to 2 things now.
  20. To be honest, after Bongo's post in the "Team Monkey" thread, I've decided not to argue, no more posting of poo. Etc etc, I'll just find some other way to spend 99% of my life :shifty:
  21. Because you can't spell CHIEF. BWahahahahaha. Sorry about the thread.
  22. MrMonkey

    What To Do..

    Basics are easy to get down, especially if you have rode trials you already have a stupidly good sense of balance better than you'll ever need in skating, unless your Eric Koston and you tailslide (I think so don't get pissy at me if you know) down a massive curved rail. Anyway, basics are easy to get, ollies, manuals, nose manuals, pop shove its. It's the flip tricks that are bastards, because if your upper body isn't in the right place your board doesn't want to know. Mainly with kickflips and heelflips as they're the first time you have to learn to place your body better to get the board to do what you want. But yeah it is fun.
  23. MrMonkey

    What To Do..

    MASTURBATE!!!!!!!!!!. Anyway I recently got into skating again, so I'm trying get into the rhythm of things. And how having certain decks makes your a poser or some bull shit like that. You can't like a deck anymore you have to buy certain decks or be called a poser so you fit in. Completely obliterating the people who call others posers for having a different deck. :P
  24. MrMonkey


    I dunno, maybe I ain't cool enough, but I don't even drink, that's pretty much accepted globally. Nevermind smoke. It ain't good for your health, but it's the sort of, I'll stab myself in the lung with this flaming piece of paper type thing that makes me wonder why people do it. I watched an old guy in a wheelchair smoke 5 cigarettes in the space of around 10 minutes, he put each one out with his finger and thumb. My grandad was at a similar standard, he had alot of heart attacks and lost both of his legs to smoking. So if you like moving don't smoke.
  25. What the christ happened to this thread, anyway. Wardie you have the same brain power as emery or a lump of coal, or whatever teaches you at school. I dunno, ask the chair how to spell it may say nothing. To whomever said that you have to be posh to type properly, what the f**k are you on, I come from a town, that until about 20 years ago, everyone and his dog was a coal miner. How the f**k am I posh.
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