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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. Well that's what I mean. If nigger is such an offensive word, if I call a white person it they should be offended just as much.
  2. Same as people call each other gay as a derogatory term, when they aren't actually gay?
  3. Nah Rich you're right, if someone slates you for that then they're a bit weird. When I was in primary school a boy called me a "nigger", his mum was called into school and she said "Is he actually black?" the reply was obviously no, so she said "It doesn't matter then does it." What the f**k is that? The words an insult no matter who it's said to. It can't be just against black people. Then a extremely disruptive child at the school my mum works at (same primary school as mentioned before) is, "Half cast" (sorry if that affends anyone) and his mum says he's only naughty because the other children bully him because he is a "half cast". She says it everytime he gets in trouble, and because the head teacher is currently as soft as fresh curry like poo, he gets let off everytime. Racism card for the win, I might use it.
  4. I think, voicing your opinion in a way that causes an offense, or actually taking action like you said are punishable by law. But thinking it is fine.
  5. I saw some guys on a program today, saying how there would be more bloodshed if our troops didn't get out of Iraq and Afghanistan, then they went on to burn a British flag. Hoho how I thought to myself "If we did that we'd be locked up" and once again the rights of the minorty beat the rights of the people who's decendents built the country. Dunno why I quoted your post delusional, just tryna follow the racism theme.
  6. No, I won't, you started that argument for no reason. Jay said something I just made another comment. But you decided you needed to follow the majority of TF and try and have a go. Shame it didn't and never does work. And Angelfish you can shut the f**k up, you post more shit than me, so if anyone should f**k off it should definetely be you. f**king hell.
  7. Oooo you don't f**king say. I've never said the word fanny on here before. :angry: Dick Clever. Anyway this is the first argument I didn't start.
  8. No you f**k off out of my thread, you stupid cucumber.
  9. I'm sure you do, with that cute little accent of yours. A hehehe.
  10. Why watch the movie when you can watch free porno?
  11. I've heard you talk, you don't pronounce any words like that. My bum lover.
  12. Ok, this guy supposedly rides BMX, but I'm sure he rode FMX before that. Who has a similar name to this and rides FMX. Similar nickname, Mr Nasty or something to do with general Nastyness, this thread can go onto a BMX and FMX discussion aswell if you want it to. Just answer my question :angry:
  13. No, the rule should apply for. "oh my god WTF look at my new brake pads" But not if it's someone's first bike. Like I said.
  14. MrMonkey


    Oh, for those who don't believe passive smoking doesn't kill, a trumpet player (forgot his f**king name) who used to play in alot of night clubs caught lung cancer that is usually seen in smokers. After never smoking in his entire life. He's called Roy Castle. Thanks Mark you sexy mofo.
  15. Wouldn't that just sort of rip the chassis and body work apart? :angry:
  16. But it doesn't play the music put in? Nor does it play music 1000 times better than something that would be £160, unless you crank it up to shitty arse trance level. DANCE DANCE TECHNO TECHNO.
  17. Aphex Twin are f**king excellent. :angry:
  18. You have the best MSN quote in your sig. It's the only one that's made me laugh. Although I am quite sad so I laugh at most things.
  19. You have one big square.
  20. To be honest, if anyone says put this in the bike pics thread they can f**k off. This is someone's first bike it deserves it's own thread.
  21. Is all that brand new?? Anyway looks sexy :angry:
  22. Were the animals quiet aswell?
  23. MrMonkey


    Similar to my grandad's house. Every time you went in it seemed dark and dingy, the light wasn't coming through the windows fully. (Y) Cool to the max.
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