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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. You're just normal then, most people think they are different in this world of models etc, so they need to get a bit of "dutch courage". Unlike me, hole in my school pants, open my legs, friend sees my penis. I laugh, he feels sick, I laugh some more. Ahhh well. Moral of the story, always sew your holey pants up.
  2. I have never touched the stuff, I'm nearly 18, does that make me cool, or less cool? If Smo is 18, started drinking at 15-16 and hasn't drank since then that's more than one year, therefore years.
  3. Bah, I just thought of 1,000,000 and did 1%, couldn't be bothered with anything else.
  4. That can't be f**king right, that'd mean there was only like 100,000 of them in the country.
  5. Goddamnit you people all suck, he didn't just break his back either he pretty much died (Y)
  6. Actually no I wouldn't, I wouldn't find it remotely racist, because I am not white, I'm tanned so I ain't white, if you can't describe my colour I wouldn't be offended by someone calling me coloured.
  7. No conversation maybe, but you win all the pool games. That's when you should start betting (Y) Take all their money.
  8. Or, Attracter of ugly folk.
  9. Thank god you didn't make that bet with me, makes me cry like a little girl. But my girlfriend doesn't even blink an eye. Psycho.
  10. How come she likes you then :rolleyes:
  11. Stephen King is one of if not the best horror writer today.
  12. A whore? Or maybe A skank.
  13. The contender was shite, I saw 2 fights altogether and both in my opinion the wrong man won, one person would be winning for the first rounds then the other would get in a stupidly lucky punch and pull it back.
  14. Like I said UFC, that's 2 mean actually beating the shit out of each other. A KO in there is someone actually knocked out, not this nansy pamsy lying on the floor for 10 seconds.
  15. It's boring, specially all this featherweight crap. Olympic boxing is good because they have to fight not just dance around the ring. I prefer me some UFC, those fellas are hard.
  16. Read War and Peace, don't write books like that anymore.
  17. Well I've rode a little bit of trials and a little bit of BMX, but nothing to a sort of decent level where people would say Ooooh and Aaaah.
  18. Yeah, because I know a fair few people ride BMX, so I thougt maybe I could get opinions from both sides of the fence.
  19. I am currently in a dilema, and am wondering which you all would say is more fun and easier to do, what makes the said discipline easier to do aswell :rolleyes: Thanks for your time and comments. :P
  20. What are you running it in? My WinAmp did that to one of my videos but in Window Media Player Classic it was fine. :rolleyes:
  21. But it still isn't 1000 times better than an iRiver or something. It's a waste of money. Don't try and justify it with crisp sounds. Shouldn't have your TV loud enough anyway.
  22. Goddamn I was owned, but I get your point. If someone called me it I'd find it offensive like but maybe it's because I've been called it about 4 or 5 times now.
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