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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. Oh, yeah, your PMs were like cum an all. You evil :P
  2. What has my trials-forum alter ego ever done to you? B)
  3. You better not change my sig to that now, fag features.
  4. Freestyle MotoCross.
  5. Go and read the book, then you can find out if it's real or not.
  6. It spoilt my life B) I'm going to go bum my dog now to make me feel better. As I love cock fun with animals.
  7. Pitfalls to avoid, there are many. But I'll just go through decks that are worth their weight in gold. AWS, Habitat, Heroin, Toy Machine, Popwar, Zooyork, Kayo, Real, Krooked, Rasa Libre. Anti-Hero. Ok now trucks, you want Ventures, Thunders, Destructo, Fury, Grind King. Wheels, basically this is personal preference but anything should do as long as they ain't massive. 52-54mm. Bearings you want Bones Reds/Swiss if possible, if not try and get ABEC 7s at least. You won't need risers. Griptape anything should do but Black Magic should last the longest (N) Good luck. Avoid: Element, Blind, World Industries like the plague. Because Mark's whining here. POPWAR- Keep there pop for a long time, medium concave, one of the favorite decks on Ramprage right now. (Highly recommended) ELEMENT- Ok, by what everyone says on this forum, don't get an element. not as much pop as other boards, odd shapes, they have alot of concave but the feel of the board isn't right. (Not recommended). FLIP- These decks have great pop and awesome concave...while they last. Tend to loose pop fairly quick, and are one of the weaker decks. (Moderately recommended). TOY MACHINE- Great board, nice concave, awesome pop. They last for a long time and are pretty strong. (Highly recommended). DARKSTAR- Not and overall great board, pretty good concave and pop while it lasts. Board gets 'soggy' after awhile. (Moderately Recommended). BLIND- Not talked about much because people know these boards aren't very good. Ok pop and concave, but they loose them fast. (Not Recommened). WORLD INDUSTRIES- Same as Blind.^ GIRL- Good mellow pop, nice concave, pretty good deck all around. A little on the weaker side, but not by much. (Moderately recommended). THINK- Good deck. Nice concave and pop. Fairly strong. (Moderately recmmended). ENJOI- They sound like a pretty nice deck to the people that owned them. Fairly strong, good concave and pop. (Moderately recommended). BAKER- A good deck for the short time they last. Nort very strong, but nice pop and concave. (Moderately recommended). ALIEN WORKSHOP- Great deck, nice concave, lots of pop, strong board that lasts a long time. (Highly recommended). HABITAT- Good deck, nice pop and cancave. These decks are nice and stiff and will last for a long time. (Highly recommended). CHOCOLATE- Good deck, same as Girl. Mellow concave, nice pop, pretty flxible board though, not very stiff. (Moderately recommended). ZOO YORK- nice concave, awesome pop, stiff, not the longest lasting deck, but not close to being shitty. I loved my Zoo York. (Highly recommended). REAL / KROOKED / RASA LIBRE / ANTI-HERO - Deluxe distribution, what else is there to say? Superb construction, shape, pop, everything. KAYO boards (DGK, Expedition, Organika) - Kickass boards. Performs superbly, and lasts a good while. only downside is finding bigger sized kayo boards... kinda hard to find a 7.75 or higher. (highly recommended)
  8. Google search for Kloe Penman, gives a thread from TF that's 2 years old as the first thing. How shocking. With Jon taking the piss out of her and Frika in one go.
  9. Kates Skates Check the completes section. There's a few there, if you're riding street you'll want a narrower board 7.75" - 7.25" and then if you wanna ride vert 8". Basically you can spend upto £170 to get a decent board and more if you want stupidly top spec. But you probably won't need to spend much, £70 for a complete on Kates Skates should be pretty good enough, didn't check many but you could probably get a decent one for less. (N) If you need anything else just ask.
  10. There was like 6 words in there at first, you are all gay, plus, kay and something else. He's so silly B) That makes me sound like his bitch/gay lover. But that's what I am, so yeah, I don't mind. It's a f**king cool idea though. Next forum trend. Mark, stop editing my posts you whore.
  11. I feel your pain, I've been with Freeserve/Wanadoo for 6 years total, 3 at 56kb and 3 at 576kb. Still paying £30 a month for a rather sub standard connection B)
  12. (N) B) :- Always wanted to use that smiley.
  13. Condoms. That's an in joke, for just me and my girlfriend but still (N)
  14. YOU ARE A "CHARV" and you have to live with I don't, so me no care.
  15. Seeing as you don't know him but you're willing to say that. They ain't proper skaters then, they'll be the chavvy hybrids who started skating when it was popular.
  16. (N) Me on shitty Wanadoo with 576kbps. And the Meter isn't broken, as you go up the extra kbs add up. That's all that happens.
  17. Well, me and daaaahnhilla, were talking about this, I went to start this same thread about a week ago. Pasted and I had a picture of a black mans giant knob copied. So I decided not to as I knew it would get a "You only did that to look cool" reaction. (N)
  18. YOU GONNA FAIL. If that's the case.
  19. Oh, what board is your examination run by? Because I didn't know any of them ran War and Peace, as it isn't the most user friendly of books. Around 1500 pages (I think) and remembering quotes from it, as you can't take your books into exams anymore. Yeah. Catching my drift?
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