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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. Names and who sponsors them, and what type of sponsorship it is. :)
  2. 1 war, or thousands of years of persecution.
  3. :)" You mean when they win cars and stuff? I saw one were some woman won a little car or something. Never heard of her, she isn't got a full sponsorship either if she does. Sig deck/shoe/wheel/trucks etc means you have a full sponsorship by one company. Take Eric Koston, 6 different shoes. Deck, clothes an all. So yeah, he's got a sponsorship and a half from eS and Girl. But not many people other than Tony Hawk who owns companies have that many sponsorships. Not one female boarder has sponsorships like that.
  4. Jews have been persecuted over thousands of years though. Black slavery didn't go on for that long.
  5. Bwargh, I nearly vomited. Cheese and Smoked ham is a favourite of mine. :) But proper ham, not the processed sliced stuff.
  6. You do realise there's more females than just Nadine in the country.
  7. I dunno, but you seem new here so I'll let you off.
  8. I was right, he missed out a word, so I couldn't read it properly. I was right. :)
  9. MrMonkey

    Time Travel

    What's an atomic clock? Can't be bothered to google it as I'll get the wrong thing and think it's something completely different (Y)
  10. MrMonkey

    Time Travel

    Maybe there have been "rewinds" then, and a select few found a way to continue knowing the future. So they have prevented things. Never know do you. (Y)
  11. Bah shaddup you, and learn how to use commas, that sentence makes no sense. Mark was saying it was shit, f**kING COMMA, you were demanding I should know the female pro's from other sports blah blah blah.
  12. Mark's saying I don't know all the big girl riders from other sports because I don't do them, whereas I know Elissa because I skate. But my point still stands that there's only 1 female skater classed good enough to have good sponsors, but in trials there's alot of girls with good sponsors. And there's not the millions riding it like there is with Skateboarding.
  13. Yeah ok, but what about the other sports HMMMM HMMMM, and I mean well known people. I can think of Elissa Steamer, or whatever her name is in skating. Dunno who she skates for but I know she is pretty well sponsored, shoes, deck and stuff.
  14. How come, skateboarding, BMXing, FMX, fruit boots and many other sports that are 10 times the size of trials if not more don't need it then?
  15. Free pornography is free pornography.
  16. That's what I was trying to say you moron (Y)
  17. I've never seen 21 grams, and I don't know if he's in it. But the title sounds drugs related (Y) Another few. Deathwatch. Orange County. EQUILLIBRIUM. How I forgot that I don't know, it's the Matrix but on a lower budget and 10000 times better.
  18. Actually none of these things have been Wacky, they've all been Whacky. YOU FOOLS.
  19. MrMonkey

    Saw Ii

    Yes he was indeed. But there was another way out, he just took the barbed wire route. And because he was fat he was f**ked.
  20. Clerks. Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back. Dogma. Chasing Amy (I think, haven't seen it for ages) Some folk might see the correlation (Y)
  21. Scan the pics dave, scan them (Y) It isn't porno, if we all think it isn't. Majority says it ain't porn, we're just interested. (Y)
  22. Post Van Try them, says £17.50 for things upto 35kg, or phone UPS up, dunno their number though.
  23. Have you got the bars on still (Y) because 0.29m is pretty fat.
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