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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. Has anyone bought the mag yet? And if so get the pictures up, save us all some money. :blink:
  2. No it was like 5 years ago, how fast has your life gone :blink: You'll be like 50 soon and still think it's 1999.
  3. I get enough stick on here, don't try and pass the blame.
  4. I like magazines, of the porno kind.
  5. Some girl who Mark is obsessed with, got sponsored by MAD (I think) for turning up on a bike. Mark's words not mine. He also thinks she looks a bit manly.
  6. I sold a single card for that much. I was uber pimping.
  7. I wore these. < Clicky. Basically they're like what cricket batsmen wear. Nothing hurts while wearing them, they don't even restrict movement, but they make your legs sweat like hell. :blink:
  8. Why can't we Atheists have a heaven. It sucks. You guys know you're going somewhere, the emptyness I think is going to be after death is a true burden, I would rather know I was going to suffer eternal damnation than know there would be nothing.
  9. That's some scary ass eyes he has. :blink:
  10. Well from what you said, you think I'm saying girl riders shouldn't get sponsored I take it? I was saying it's ok for girl riders to be sponsored. But not just because they are girls, I know I post shit alot of the time and I never get to the point, but still. I was trying to say just because it's a girl on a a bike they shouldn't be sponsored. They should have to have some skill.
  11. Sorry but I don't ride, so you're getting an opinion that isn't bias. And I actually think you're one of the better girl riders. You think I would care if you read it? Big deal, I wouldn't of minded if you had. But as usual you play the card that's the easiest way to get out of it, calling me simple minded and basically implying I'm sexist. Maybe, just maybe you should try understanding my posts and understanding what I mean, before getting the general jist and thinking you can have a go.
  12. I was just tryna say that I think, because of someone's sex they shouldn't be put ahead of a rider who's a gillion times betters. I think it's a little unfair.
  13. OLD SKOOOL, I've never read them, I guess they're ok for little kids and stuff. But I don't see how anyone can find them interesting, I've seen 2 of the films, I even went the cinema with my brother and mum to watch one. My god I feel disgusted.
  14. Bananas give the best energy though. BANANAS for the win.
  15. No, I spend part of my time on skate forums, but not as much on here. I could still probably name more sponsored male skaters than male trials riders though. Watching skate videos of male then female you are obviously going to notice a difference, but it seems in trials the difference is much much bigger. Elissa Steamer has pulled of 720s most male skaters do that aswell, usually 540s on vert though for the obvious reason of not having to ride switch. So the gap isn't that big. Whereas, you, in my opinion are a pretty decent rider, now watch a video of someone like yourself, if memory servers me correct you ain't sponsored, then watch Monty Susanne (Ain't having a go or anything) Who's sponsored directly by Monty Sweden. Now tell me you don't see something a tad wrong. :)"
  16. My point is Skateboarding is one of the biggest sports in the world. So you could churn out 100 male sponsored skater names for 1 female, easily. Yet in trials I can name 2 that I know of and I wouldn't say I'm really in the scene. Susanne from Sweden and Nadine, so yeah. Watch videos of them and then compare them to the level of the male riders who are sponsored by the same companys.
  17. You can buy meatballs, Campbell's do tins of them. My mum always gets them nom nom nom. I asked for a plain metball sandwich thing from Subway it had more lettuce than anything. Lettuce with meatballs. (Y)
  18. What? They now sell female skate clothes? That has nothing to do with sponsorship. Until you find me a list of female skaters that's a similar ratio to to the ratio of male:female sponsored riders I will give up. But at the moment it seems you're just trying to say there are sponsored female skaters, but there just ain't many, which is my point. :)
  19. So what am I looking for? Most of it is just how the industry has had to grow clothing wise to accomodate for female skaters, there isn't a big list of all the sponsored female skaters. :)
  20. Like you (Y) Happens so much doesn't it :) And, when I don't know the names of these female skaters who are sponsored how will I find them? If you know them just give me names and I'll find them myself, but I ain't searching google for every female skater ever to find the ones you know.
  21. No, I was comparing their persecution to black people. Not the world in general. Black people lived quite happily for a fair while, or am I wrong again?
  22. They were forced out of countries, I don't know details, I dunno where I heard it, I just remember it from a reliable source. TV or a Teacher.
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