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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. MrMonkey

    Not Again!

    Yeah, they were told they will not be tortured or killed on arrival in their home countries. We can only hope that was a lie. :S And Munki, deporting terrorists is a good thing. Not just any person from that religion, TERRORISTS.
  2. MrMonkey

    Not Again!

    Call me what you please, I'm anti racist. But I'm talking about preaching and partaking in terrorists practices. Obviously you didn't understand that, as I also mentioned a law that was coming in. So I think it's completely fair that if you preach about or partake in terrorist activities you are forced to leave the country. Wouldn't you agree. :S
  3. MrMonkey

    Not Again!

    The founder of the BNP died didn't he. Nevertheless the new Home Secretary is actually introducing the law I just mentioned, so I guess he does. :S
  4. MrMonkey

    Not Again!

    That's probably what I was thinking about :S
  5. :S Apart from that post being utterly hilarious that point stood out the most. Women aren't independent, if they were they wouldn't need men for anything at all. If this was the case the male of the species would of died out, how would you open your jars. If women wanted to prove themselves we wouldn't have feminists saying things ain't fair. If they wanted to prove themselves they should do it against all odds, just like in the First World War, that got them the vote.
  6. MrMonkey

    Not Again!

    No, I'm 100% sure there was something about we need American Guidance systems for our Nuclear weaponry.
  7. Like the chance you gave me? And I see you're taking on the victims role. My mum doesn't have a problem with cleaning, cooking etc. Oh and that wasn't exactly a life story was it. I dunno if you were trying to be funny or are just a little slow. But I just pointed out 3 things, I hope more than that has happened in your life :blink:
  8. Being the victim is the in thing. White, straight, males have it hard.
  9. Ok, I'll go through this slowly. I've already told my girlfriend that if we're still together and she wants to study something at a higher level I'll drop out of whatever I'm doing and get a job to pay for her to do it. I'm currently making my girlfriend a birthday card. You don't know me and obviously shouldn't make judgements about me or anyone else on this forum without meeting us in real life. Yet, alot of people feel it neccessary to judge me especially and have a go. So yeah, shut up.
  10. HAHA, you sure you want to make that judgement :blink:
  11. MrMonkey

    Not Again!

    HAHA, shame it's true.
  12. If it weren't for the Spice Girls you wouldn't think like that. Wrecking this country with their "Girl Power" rubbish.
  13. MrMonkey

    Not Again!

    Our Nuclear Missles are guided by American computers, so to start off with we need their help :blink:
  14. Or a hairy dick, then she definetely don't count. I might not ride, but I can still appreciate skilled riders. If some girl came along and tapped like 8 foot I wouldn't say. That was shite. But it will never happen.
  15. Just a shame it ain't gonna happen.
  16. After getting a link from Badboy I found this > Monkey Day It's my day today, how cool
  17. Jesus christ, this is gonna be hard. Ok I'll give it a good go. :blink:
  18. Ok, girlfriend's birthday, she wants me to make her a card. Jesus christ upto now I've got happy birthday written on it. I even did that on photoshop as text is about all I can do well. But anywys. I need help. What can I put on it to make it look nice and pretty or whatever girls want nowadays. IDEAS AND QUICK :blink:
  19. MrMonkey

    Not Again!

    Tickets from the East to England must be cheaper at this time of year, I know flights to America go up. OooOOOooOOooo the burn.
  20. MrMonkey

    Not Again!

    Kick them all out. Like they want to, if you have any relation or known record for preaching or partaking you get the f**k out.
  21. MrMonkey

    Not Again!

    Nail bombs are kinda outta the norm. Could be someone else. But most likely it's related.
  22. BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. That's what I think :blink: If you don't know what I mean go into a barbers and run one finger over your head and say "BZZZZZZZ" when they ask you what you want. :lol:
  23. f**k school, f**k work. f**k everything. I'd live it up, without drugs, drink or anything bad for me. I'd set up a big TF meet even for those I don't like to come stay round my mansion (Y) I'd even pay for you all. :blink: See I am nice. How cool would it be though :lol:
  24. Tournaments, then schedules, then the Free roll ones. There's a few a day, or you can just go Texas Hold Em and fun tables :lol:
  25. Well even if you spent half, the interest in high savings accounts, the accounts especially made for like £1 million+ I worked out somewhere that for a certain amount it'd take no time at all to make the same as what an average person makes in 10 years. But who cares. Lets just dance and pretend we had the money.
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