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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. It's not just a man with a gun, it's armed police in full unifrom, with MP5s walking about. If they told me to stop I think I would, I wouldn't just go "Oh noes, better run away and get shot".
  2. [whisper=MadMadMike] That wasn't Arnie, watch the movie again :turned: [/whisper]
  3. Ahhh, I shall watch this thread, then wait to see Bongo's post :turned:
  4. Ain't playing at the mo, could set up a TF server thing on a room somewhere so we could all play on that, pick a server and then post what channel and what number it is so people can find it.
  5. Basically, your parents earn more than mine, I'm guessing. Therefore if you ever got into money trouble they could help you out. Mine can't, also I'm sure they take you, or did take you on holidays etc. Once again we barely ever go on holiday. Also, usually, if you have an incentive to work you will. Like I did, they give you £30 a week and you work harder, or work all the time etc. Then you go onto Uni etc, then you get a better job and end up paying more taxes so you pay back that £3k the government gave you in a year.
  6. It's awesome, if they ask you to stop and you keep running you've done something wrong. Or else you'd just stop.
  7. So, are you trying to say, because you parents earn more money than mine they're better? I hope you're having a f**king laugh, my parents are divorced, and my mum works in a school, it isn't her fault the government pays her shit wages for what she does. She isn't a cleaner or something like that, she's the only person in the school who will deal with the "special needs" kids who are basically the naughty kids. It didn't bribe me to go to 6th form when I was there, I went in everyday until I finished my AS level courses, then I stopped as I knew I was leaving. The only days I didn't go in were when I was ill. Argh I hate people who talk shit. I could go into this more but I'm bored.
  8. Don't drink, don't smoke, don't take any drug in any form. The only drug I have around once or twice a week is caffeine, in the form of coffee. Yet I still enjoy my life, I still have fun, I am still happy, I can still annoy the cocks off you all, it doesn't hinder my enjoyment in any way or form. I aren't scared of what drugs will do to me, I've seen my friends get worse and worse into the downward spiral of drugs abuse, I even seen one friend change it around on his own without any help. I don't mind people taking drugs, I'm actually quite interested in it and I like to know why people take them, I don't care what a "trip" is like or anything like that, I just want to know why and then to see if that person has a weak personality and that's why they do it. But yeah, I'm lost now.
  9. It works out at around a grand a year if you get all of the bonus things. So people whos parents earn more than the top limit to get money which is £30k let's work this out. The limit to get £30 a week is £19k. So £19k + £1k is £20k, compared to that £30k+ household income you have. Don't talk shit. Mongs. I dropped out of 6th form and am starting a college course next year. Ooooh yeah, extra year of sponging for Monkey :turned:
  10. Wow, Munki you love talking shit don't you. You know exactly what MadManMike is trying to say. But you're trying to start an argument. He's said he hates the Asylum Seekers who are here illegally, then you go on about a one off case, then you say that they aren't all like that. People go off what they have seen, heard etc. Not what other people have seen and heard. Then you say that British people sponge, yeah so what? We've been here longer, we don't force the government to do things, we don't have more rights than every f**ker. We know our place we always have, oh and about escaping their "war torn" countries, they're supposed to stop at the closest none war torn country. Not cross Europe and then the sea to get here. Remember what Australia did? They got the drivers from an Oil Tanker off the ship and left all the immigrants on the boat. Got rid of 'em didn't it. :turned:
  11. Swords own, I was just on a server filled with level 8-12s and I came out top and I'm only level 6. Oooooh yeah.
  12. I am Teddeh, rawr. I play on whatever server's empty :turned: Then beat le poo into high levels with my sword.
  13. This game is awesome, and extremely easy for the pros like me :turned:
  14. I can't see how it's funny. I ain't a Man United fan either so that isn't stopping me from laughing.
  15. :lol: Got some hair in your eye. BWHAHAHAHAA.
  16. Ay, well, give white people who ain't f**ktards guns then. Or just give me lots of guns and the right to kill folk :)
  17. Give every white person a gun, let's sort it out ourselves. *Bangs on desk* RAAAAAWR. I don't like giving my opinions, I could really say what I think. But the backlash would be tremendous. Now where did I leave my gas chamber. :)
  18. Freddie Mercury. (He died the morning my brother was born, we lost someone great and gained a chavvy fanny.)
  19. Because as I was about to click add reply I saw your b*****d post with it already there (N)
  20. Stealing. (As in you stole my idea JT! You b*****d.)
  21. What? Do you even know why Supercycles got pissed about it? It was because whoever put the auction up said Onza in the title, yet no Onza components were on the bike. So it's using the Onza name to attract customers.
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