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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. Burn mother f**ker let the mother f**ker burn. I'm no arsenist.
  2. That's the reason why I'm the king of my castle That's the reason why I'm queen of my tressel (sp? I dunno what word it is so I'm guessing.) And that's repeated throughout the song.
  3. Or you could just put the bike on the scales on it's backwheel, and hold the downtube. :)
  4. You'd feel the same just wouldn't know what to call it, could be called shit on a stick for all you'd know.
  5. MrMonkey


    You know it, it was my destiny, to return home and cause confusion, chaos and general hatred towards myself. >_<
  6. I know that's what I mean, I was on your side. And Monkey always wins. >_< It's my sex appeal.
  7. MrMonkey


    Hurricane Katrina arrived the day after I left Florida, guess that's me winning then >_<
  8. Are you playing the role of captain bell end? In alot of your posts I see you trying to put others down. Good game. >_<
  9. I bet this don't work, if it does well done. But I'm with Simon, it ain't gonna happen. And why ask us, you can't put names, you needs addresses and contact numbers aswell. Therefore your council will see we live on opposite ends of the country.
  10. Sorry about digging up this topic, I searched it so I dunno where I'm scrounging it up from. But never the less I got my results today. As most of you know my heart was set on leaving so I didn't put any effort in, I got a U in Biology, a U in IT, BUT I got a frigging E in Politics, how I did it I dunno. My Politics teacher was awesome though so I'll just say he made me pass :)
  11. Hello ladies and no men, I was wondering if any of you know cheap sites to buy computer components from. I need a MoBo that I can overclock through the Bios with if poss, also needs to be able to take more than 1GB of PC3200 RAM. AMD 64 Processor. X800 or 6800 Graphics card. Maybe a 1GB stick of ram. Cheap, Cheap, Cheap. Talking a limit of around £400-500, so the mobo doesn't have to be something awesome, same with the RAM as it ain't needed so try and get the best stuff for the other things first. ;) Thanks fellas. Possibly a new HDD aswell must be 200GB + and pretty quickish on the memory movement.
  12. That's good enough, put it in the bag and whack it against a rock, or put some grass and a torch in the bag with it, fwahahaha.
  13. MrMonkey

    Good Films

    The Boondock Saints. American History X. Romper Stomper.
  14. CRT for the win. Sorry I don't know much about TFT, but I've heard they're bad for gaming and have an optimum resolution, so I'll stick with the big burly CRTs. :angry: :closedeyes:
  15. The day we arrived when my dad was driving back there was loads of rain, about 10-15ft visibility and 30mph on a motorway. Shocking. Then we had Hurricane Irene and Tropical Depression something or other heading for us.
  16. I cram my fist up your arsehole. :(
  17. MrMonkey

    Oh Dear God!

    That's one fooked up family then, half Brazillian and half East European. Crayzay.
  18. Well I went in on the way to the airport, as we had to leave the villa at 10AM and the flight was at 5:30PM so there was a bit of time to use up, I went in for half an hour. Fwahahahahaaa. It was also raining.
  19. Hello all, I see you all missed me. Anyways, I was on Holiday in Florida, but I have a story for you all. We got to the airport and then we got to the check in place, everything was fine. Then the nice lady from Thomas Cook decided to point out that my brother couldn't fly on my mum's passport, after my dad had asked Thomas Cook and the passport office if it was ok which they both responded to with a yes answer. So my mum and brother had to stay, get him a passport then fly out the next day. Then on the way back to the airport coming home some gay Americans gave us bad directions and we ended up being an hour late, but still got on the plane. Fun times. Anyway it was warm, and I saw someone who looked like they had a DJ wristband on, but because I'm a wuss I didn't ask them. I also walked into a shop thinking it was a games shop to find out it was a cyber cafe with 8 X Boxes and about 30 PCs which was rather nice, especially at $3 an hour for entry. There's my holiday story. It were fun, yeeehah.
  20. MrMonkey

    Green Laces

    How close are your feet, do you have testicles?
  21. MrMonkey


    «MrMonkey is inspiration.» «It's not a dream. MrMonkey is real!» «MrMonkey - living innovation» «MrMonkey for a better future.» I'm bored still. I shall go finger my BUM HOLE because for some reason you people can't type it without capital letters.
  22. I played in the garage. It was cold, so I got one of those portable radiator things. Then I moved a CD player in there aswell, so I could try to drum along :blink:
  23. What are you on about, Bad Religion are punk, very punk in fact. f**king Emo homos better not listen to it.
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