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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. I'm the complete opposite, I fight for the country, not a leader :-
  2. I know, but during the final stages conscription was still active. :-
  3. End of the world, and how do you know we wouldn't be forced? WW2, A-Bomb, Hiroshima, we were still forced to fight.
  4. Ailment, is a medical condition which means you are exempt from joining. Such as flat feet. Conscription is where you are forced to join the army, happened in WW2 and WW1 etc. :-
  5. So in a time of war what would you do? I've recently being thinking about this and know that I'd join straight away, and would most likely join now if I didn't think that it would hurt too many people. So what are you views and other shiz on this topic.
  6. Obviously good, the noise is quite a trademark of trials aswell :- But in the rain it be slippery when wet.
  7. Spel, Spel, Spel, Lern hw 2 spel.
  8. Yes, along time before you joined the forums though :- A long long time.
  9. Bad news for all, I'm going to be starting again soon aswell :-
  10. Did I say that? No, and if I did you probably misunderstood, I was doing them and knew they weren't right for me. I didn't say you have to enjoy them to pass. But I'd rather find something interesting than an absolute pile of wank. I'd rather get paid half the money of a job I'm capable of doing for a job that I enjoy. >_< Oh and my opinions are whatever you take them, I've been called a nazi and far too many other things in the past. Hate PMs for the win.
  11. On my Mobo, each pin for the USB was in order, and if you put the USB connecty things so the wires weren't tangled that made them in order then you just put them on like that, it works for me so yeah give it a go >_<
  12. MrMonkey

    Ians 16!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111oneoneoneoneoneoneonelevenelevenelevenonehundredandeleven.
  13. And you've been here less than 3 months. >_<
  14. The strap around his chest for those who haven't got it.
  15. No, I'm saying that I cruised through my GCSE's without really having to try, whereas in my A Levels I just didn't enjoy them and didn't do, if any, much work. That's all. I dunno what's funnier, the word willy or cock. I think willy. But yeah. I'm 17. And do you know what Irony is? If I find something funny I find it funny. I don't care what others think. Stand in Line with everyone else.
  16. What now? So you're telling me you can pass A Levels without the slightest bit of work or coursework. Yeah we all know that's true.
  17. No I wasted a year, so what if I changed my mind? Does that bother you? And what if I find the word "cock" funny. I may be a comic genious, but you sir need a sense of humour. LOL At the trying makes you thicker though. I did find that absolutely hilarious. And there are different types of clever too. Naturally clever, and I work as hard as a f**king beaver to be clever. I'm the first. I don't like the second, it's too much hard work. Cock, lmao that word is hilarious.
  18. f**k me that last sentence proves it. But nevertheless, as you don't know me you won't know how little effort I put in. And if you've done your A Levels you'll know you can't just cruise through them like GCSE's. But ok (Y) An IQ test, now that's a better median to test my intelligence. Not tests that I didn't try in throughout an entire year.
  19. Because usually you can't spell for shit. (Y)
  20. MrMonkey

    Will's 18

    See I give cake. Without knowing sometimes.
  21. I wonder if he burnt his penis on his way sliding down.
  22. Oh no my care levels are reaching the same level as your spelling level. A big fat zero.
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