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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. I only use it over night, so I guess I'm good (Y)
  2. What!!!!!!!! Are!!!!!!!!!!!! You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! About!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Oooo eck. I dunno what to say really, other than, Chavs are gay, chavs are glad, but they get beat by their mum and dad. It's got a tune that I doubt you will get in text but meh.
  4. You're supposed to strip it before you spray you lemon, take it to a garage or something near you, they'll do a nice job.
  5. I use Azureus, I doubt I'm down with any kids though.
  6. I didn't mean they can't be helped, I meant as no person is behind it, it cannot be stopped as easily, I apologise for coming across the wrong way. I meant that one person ordered the terrorist attacks, whereas no-one ordered famine, starvation, AIDs on Africa did they?
  7. I got the shit f**ked out of my by Alexx for saying that. I'm sure nothing will be said though. You are not a figure of hatred. <_<
  8. As I believe it was Mr Anal Teflon who said, no-one gives a poo.
  9. Black Hawk Down, Followed by American History X, Followed by The Boondock Saints. But that was about 2 weeks ago, I don't watch films very often. Then the day before I watched the entire collection of hellsing.
  10. I thought all companies had to provide a minimum of a 1 year warranty, or am I wrong?
  11. CREATIVE XEN, Get the superior MP3 Player.
  12. So because I'm nieve and didn't know something you call me a f**king tool and stupid :P Thanks. Proves what a superior being you are doesn't it.
  13. Yeah but that's different, those people in poverty stricken places cannot be helped, no callous person has decided to kill them. Whereas September the 11th was someone's doing.
  14. Don't listen to these two. They are immitating many posts by members who have advised the purchase of new T-Pros since the 2004 model. If you check in the For Sale section there is usually one or two going for pretty cheap. You just have to search and wait a little while.
  15. 2003 T-Pro is old skool square tubing right? If so either try and get a 2004 one or get the 2003 T-mag, I think you mean 2003, if not 2005/6 T-Mag all the way.
  16. Check ze for sale section. Some people may not sell to you as your a new member, but others will. Just have a look around and send them e-mails etc :P
  17. Pwntizzled ma shizzle bitch.
  18. Shaddup you moron. :P Don't type long posts, it just shows how stupid you are. But feel free to argue with me :D
  19. I'm intrigued, I wanna see it :P Anyway you could get the pics from wherever they are to where you have access to the internet? USB Pen, Floppy, CD Or something?
  20. When you can't get a hard on you're too old to ride. A bike, I only just realised there's a sexual pun in there aswell.
  21. But as we all know, the chances of nuclear war are slim. It's more of a detterent than anything else.
  22. Well that's what I meant, people in the country. I'd rahther the leader's of the country go fight too. But if they won't I'll do it for them. BRING BACK THE EMPIRE.
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