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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. Yeah it's a good bike, for more opinions you could search, there's been quite a few posts on them as it's a relatively new model. But also check the for sale section, you might drop on something with a better spec for the same price.
  2. Not sure yet, but we'll get a rollocking if we continue this MSN babble, so add me to MSN, my addy is MrMooooonkey@hotmail.com Rawr, you get to talk to me 1 on 1, guranteed to make you cum in less than a minute.
  3. I think it's good for a first attempt, but as people have said, you need to keep working at it. I know I couldn't do any better :rolleyes:
  4. Of course I will, I get to swim in sewage shark infested waters, hurrah. :rolleyes: Actually I'll just come for the trials.
  5. Awesome, I'll have people who are close to ride with when I get my bike :- Instead of having to trek to Liverpool.
  6. I think a better example would be Vincent Hermance. (f**king hell I hope he rides stock, I'm sure he does but I don't take much notice of that sort of thing, or at least I haven't for a while) Actually I wasn't looking for an argument, and I'll think you'll find that you are supposed to search before you make another post on a topic that's been up alot of times. Oh and just so you know a debate is a discussion on any subject. So what else did you want me to call it? Is it the fact that I have a larger vocabulary than you and type better that I must want to join a debating club, because obviously only the intellectual elite could join one of those. Jesus christ.
  7. MrMonkey


    Oooo, looks like my brother's typing on MSN. And all his friends.
  8. MrMonkey

    Pimp My King

    All black or all blue, sorry to be boring. But me thinks it looks weird being stripey :- :rolleyes:
  9. Some fat man's been sitting in that car it's all bent out and mis-shaped.
  10. Don't ride in the wet is one solution, there's usually one dry day every week in the winter. Depending on where you live, if you live in the North with me then no maybe not :rolleyes: But if you live in the South then you're much better off rain wise.
  11. Those paintings that Rich posted are awesome though.
  12. That makes about as much sense as caging gorillas with wet paper bags.
  13. LMAO. And search, this has been debated so many times it's completely unfunny anymore to 90% of the forum.
  14. As I always seem to say, keep an eye peeled on the For Sale Wanted section, e-mail the person in question or add them to MSN, add some other people aswell though so you can ask them if the bike's good though. As the seller will obviously be slightly bias. :rolleyes:
  15. Yeah, you might want to go to college though first, and maybe do a course in Mechanics, as this leaves your options open, so if you change your mind you still have a qualification too. More helpfulness. And to the topic starter, just phone up the college you want to apply too and most colleges are unbelievably helpful over the phone. At college it seems to be a different atmosphere, even to that of 6th form in my experience, you are treated even more as an adult and they don't pussy foot around things like they do in school such as if you're wrong your wrong, but they tell you how you've gone wrong and why you did. So you learn immediately from your mistake and don't think you were half right. Which in my opinion is loads better. College for the win.
  16. Go to night classes and resit your GCSEs is pretty much your only option, as most decent jobs don't take on people without them. Or you could do GNVQs which count as a couple of GCSEs each. Then you could carry on to college. It's completely upto you.
  17. Oh my God. Learn how to post. Read the guidelines,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  18. Manly Forms Of Suicide Remember, use them wisely, as you only get one to use.
  19. Was gonna say the same thing myself :D Those pics are awesome to the max. If you don't mind me asking, why exactly?
  20. Okay everyone, stop posting, Munki's right, I shouldn't of make a remark about something I know nothing about. And if I knew people would of gone bell end over ears about it I wouldn't of said anything in the first place.
  21. I know, I just want to clear the air between me and other people who dislike me for whatever reason, start a fresh or whatever. He just can't handle the fact though.
  22. I doubt it, I've sent him like 15 PMs trying to apologise, his last one was telling me I was gay. Hurrah. :D Me and Tomm are now fanny brothers. Similar to blood brothers but binded by the power that is Munki.
  23. Oooo, Nice arse Sam. Great positioning of the mirror :D Kinky.
  24. That picture reminds me of a time Tarty posted a pic of some boiled potatoes and spaghetti hoops that he was having infront of his keyboard. He also had a drink of the weakest looking dilute stuff ever. :D
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