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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. People pay to put their advertisements up, E Bay isn't going to say "Oh we don't want your money take it down" :$
  2. Traversing Rocks In All Landscapes f**king have some welly.
  3. Oh god Biff you're so cool, you don't even know how to structure a sentence or make sense in any form.
  4. I said 90% (N) Some people are fine, some people prefer to smoke the preverbeal pole.
  5. I'd f**king love to rub my dick in your mouth, but I can't be bothered as I thrash you in everything I do, therefore my cock would probably do that. Anyway, I could make a lovely post to some people, but that would be to hilarious, yet time consuming for me. Therefore I won't. All I shall say is, NMC is 90% full of wankers.
  6. Mike: Whoops jumping in this river with my sexy orange parts may have not been the best idea. :$
  7. MrMonkey


    Yes, but they didn't only post 2 pics of the same thing. A bit of variation was all I was complaining about, I wasn't saying they were anything amazing either though. Nor did i claim that CLS or Tunni weren't beginners. And no I don't think I'm ready to shave my beloved beard just yet. You're talking so much shit it's unbelievable. What did you expect really? This forum is harsh about pictures, it always has been you can't really expect to get a good review with pictures like those.
  8. MrMonkey


    Two pics, nearly identical of someone dropping off a wall, then another, of someone standing next to a bike, oh yes up there with the best pics. Look at Watson's thread, loads of good pics, loads of good stuff. Including colour co-ordinate clothes no matter what he says. You're continuing to dig your hole by the way. Oh and I think arrogant tossers shouldn't be allowed on, but they are.
  9. Oh jesus, when I watched Blue Peter everyone watched it, nowadays only little kids watch it. This means lots of little kids on here, which means possibly, lots of little kids with injuries. Good or bad, I cannot way it all up. But I shall watch none the less :bunny:
  10. Copy and Paste? Anyway if they're lacquered on then you're screwed with a hair dryer ain't you. Think you have to use Nitromors or something if it has lacquer on it to get it off. But don't take my word do a little searching around to check.
  11. I deleted all my vids, can't be bothered downloading anymore. Far too lazy for that.
  12. MrMonkey


    No he posted rubbish pictures, then he went on to call us or the moderators one or the other, dumbasses. Therefore why should we be supportive. No, my reply was sensible, and I'm a teenager with a brain just like 90% of the people on here. Your remarks are not making you look cool or clever, just digging your hole deeper, but continue. I'll step in later on when it's even more hilarious.
  13. I ain't gonna download a video to tell you what song is on it.
  14. So that Narrows it down to all of Gwen Stefani's songs and all of No Doubt's songs, post some lyrics and someone will know.
  15. It's their choice of what they put as delivery, if you think it's unfair don't buy it. It may be a complete rip off, but sometimes you pay say £10 postage and get something for £1 worth like £40. So it sometimes saves you money as some people are put off by huge postage costs.
  16. Because you sir, are the stupidest fanny of all time. I thrashed you verbally in the last thread, yet you still want more online humiliation.
  17. MrMonkey


    Do you see any spots, because I know I don't :)
  18. Corish I never feel a fool, I most likely never will. But at least I can be remotely away from the crowd and not have to suckle someone's teet to feel like I'm in with the group.
  19. Oh yeah, you use 20" for comp and 26" for street, what the f**k. Why did you edit it? It don't make me look stupid it makes you look stupid.
  20. Try the Saracen website maybe? :sick:
  21. Looks good, but surely the big gaps between the spokes can't be helping it strength?? Maybe someone should get on the blower to some company and ask em to make wider rims, or possibly make their own. Pads to Boosters to Rims to anything and everything. :sick:
  22. MrMonkey


    Lego is about 30ish I think, maybe younger I dunno, that's one of the people he rides with. Can't say much about the pictures really, as there's 2 that are pretty much the same and one that you'd usually see in bike pics. Oh and this is a forum, expect the harsh truth if you post absolute shite pictures, if you wouldn't of posted that last statement saying that it should be moderated because of dumbass replies I wouldn't of made this edit. But f**k me, there's 2 pictures basically, one's something very basic, and the other like I said belongs in the bikes pics thread. And please tell me how the Einstein quote is even relevant :sick:
  23. Keep 'em coming, I laugh at your misfortune, that your brain can only reuse material that I myself have admitted to. :sick:
  24. Once again, I either missed something, or your hilarity is just not hilarious. I hope you don't laugh at your own jokes.
  25. Mega, I didn't know you were so retarded you had to edit after coming up with that comeback, you're so awesome. I can't believe you class that as a comeback though.
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