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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. How do you ride? What style, etc etc. Fill us in as much as you can about your riding style etc then people can help you out much more (Y)
  2. MrMonkey

    Pimp My Bmx

    Front wheel? 20" (Y)
  3. Emoticon = Emotion Icon (Y)
  4. Okay, now more than likely gonna ride Liverpool, if more people come out and the weather looks like it might possibly be better, but the weather people aren't too great so who knows.
  5. MrMonkey

    Pimp My Bmx

    Ooooh, Mod front wheel (Y) Bling a lische. Just looked again, it's $220 for either a front of rear wheel but it's a massive saving if you buy both $439 dollars. WOW. $1 dollar saving.
  6. LMAO. Dear me. That's hilarious.
  7. Yeah I have, just been thinking about how they talk. They say devastated like DEVOstated, on top of that they are lazy, so say Devowed. But sometimes make things sound different because they're stupid.
  8. If you're being sarcastic: I know, but I can only dream of your standards. If you're being sincere: Thank you kind sir.
  9. Shush you, and did she mean spinning as in actually rotating, or some sort of compliment?
  10. I can't think of many eagles flying at 30,000 feet where theres a lack of oxygen.
  11. Yep, he's right, everyone knows height influences the types of bikes you ride. Oh wait no it doesn't.
  12. MrMonkey

    Picture War

    That looks more like one of those Gizmo or Gismo things from that film.
  13. How do you say it, because the word itself seems to sound a little to intellectual for the morons of our society.
  14. Spending 2 Christmas at hospital with my grandad. The 2 "fights" (if you call people hitting me while I stand there and take it because I'm a pussy) I've been in, basically involved others punching my head. Being thrown from a boat to my dad while on holiday somewhere as the water was too shallow for the boat to get closer. First ride I went on in Liverpool, pretty much remember everything, 5 hours of me sitting around has never gone faster. I'll think of more but I'm too tired, as the time is 0:07, James Bond styleeeee boyzzzzz.
  15. What about multiple rolls, say if I got one person to roll all the way down a busy street, does that class as more.
  16. How many points for whores? Surely they're worth more.
  17. Police Woman? What about if I pay people to do it? Does that count? I could get a load of hookers to do it maybe. :P
  18. Does me in a Policeman or Policewoman costume doing a forward roll mean I win straight off?
  19. MrMonkey

    Picture War

    Long bow slices through glove and hand.
  20. MrMonkey

    Picture War

    That gives you bad luck though, so you may beat lasers but they'll come back and bite you in the ass.
  21. That's a nice mind you have, it's circular and has no exist. Are you getting what I'm putting down? Anyway, I like bits of everything, and I think Eminem's Mosh is one of the most amazing songs I have ever heard.
  22. MrMonkey

    Picture War

    Powerful beams of light don't need electric, just some well placed mirrors will work :P
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