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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. What's wrong with that sentence. Just because you can dominate me here don't reflect anything on our sex lives now does it. So get the gimp mask on.
  2. My point still stands, the people I argue with (in a none intellectual manner, like when it's about something like Politics I don't just jive talk) aren't exactly above par in intellect levels are they really. So I don't have to work in overdrive to get things done (N)
  3. I could come up with clever insults, but surely ridiculing a girls genatalia is just pathetic, so I can step down the insult ladder and just have an insult flinging contest. I of course could go one higher and be all big and smart and make witty remarks. But in the situation, I thought he would be completely overwhelmed.
  4. How did you crawl out of the abortion bucket you ignorant wank shaft. I explained that to you, fanny features. Just because you're from ass backwards American don't mean we British know what we're doing. You f**king moronic melon sucking bell shaft.
  5. Dual Slalom racing I'm guessing.
  6. Economically you moron. Jesus christ.
  7. I thought that was it, but the fanny had been spelling it wrong and brainwashed me (Y) I do it to correct people, I don't put in f**king shitty quotes to look clever Simon, you ass fondler cherub.
  8. Do you know what a capatalist is? Capatalists don't argue with Debaters. Debaters, debate in their own time. You ass clown.
  9. Well the Leesons are completely custom, so it's why you pay more. I have a feeling the Leesons are around £440ish, but you get it however you want. And it's steel so it's bomb proof (N)
  10. Well $440 is around £250, then importing it would be another £50-100. So you'd be talking £300-350 but surely there'll be a Euro dealer.
  11. Get a Leeson with same geo but longer then?? Maybe.
  12. Do you think you're good at English or something all of a sudden? Because you've been tryna use some big words. And it's making you look like a proper twat. AIDS. You can try to act like you're some English scholar, but as said before you're making yourself look like a bell end. I dunno why you are trying to argue with me. It's my occupation.
  13. Stick with the Pashley (N) If you like the way it rides, and it rides the way you want it to, and is good for the way you ride etc. No point in changing. Maybe try some other peoples bikes see what you think.
  14. You're looking for bikes not cars.
  15. Long and low, it ain't what you're looking for. You want something shorter, more like a Leeson type bike.
  16. Yeah, 2 years ago around this time I joined, or was it 3. I dunno. But anyway I rode all that time ago.
  17. cp101 I knew you were a tosser, now so does everyone else.
  18. The geo which is best is purely upto you. And I can't give you anymore info than that.
  19. I said cut off the legs yes, but I didn't mean upto your arsehole.
  20. So all shorts are for gay men (N) I hope you never go anywhere hot on holiday or you'll die.
  21. Cut the legs off, and have a nice pair of "Ghetto Shorts".
  22. Practice, I've been riding around today just tryna get my balance back, I can last about 5-10 seconds on my backwheel without any hops or nothing. But getting on my backwheel is my problem (N)
  23. AIDS is AIDS if you smoke men. Then do some pipe cleaning with their genitals.
  24. Aye I run Toxsins, comfy as hell. Like wearing spongy gloves (N) But you still get the feel of your bike.
  25. MrMonkey

    Zoo Vid 30? <

    The guy says he thinks it's good enough to be Zoo Video 30, mainly due to him riding a Pitbull. It's got nothing to do with it being the next video or nothing. Awesome video, I have watched it many a time now (N)
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