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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. In an ideal world this country would only allow people who work in, who once again on entry have their DNA recorded. Tags aswell, so you can be found anywhere at anytime.
  2. Catch you nice and easily, DNA = You. Basically everyone in the country should have their DNA logged and recroded at birth. It doesn't infringe your rights and if you wanna complain about it f**k off to some other ass backwards country.
  3. You could say your bird's on raging 'roids and beat the shit out of them not you B)
  4. Deterent (sp?) So for example, you say to someone, touch that apple I lop off your hands. That'll stop 'em. Simple as.
  5. No it was a dodgily made avatar to give the illusion I was. If I was an SM I would of had a pink name and my post block bar would of been covered with the word Senior, not directly under my avatar B)
  6. MrMonkey

    My New Pc

    What do you mean what are they like? Their performance together or what?
  7. That's the same as 10 average lessons round near me. Or there abouts. So that's a bargain B)
  8. Bring back Corporal and Capital punishment is what I say, teach the wankers young that if they do something wrong they get beasted for it. And 2 years military service. All needs to be reintroduced. BRING BACK THE EMPIRE.
  9. Rushing something can mean you keep it in short term memory but not long term. Therefore if you didn't continually drive daily for the 6 months after your intense course you may forget things, meaning you would have a license but in a sense be incapable of driving.
  10. Imagine forcing yourself to do something, then forcing yourself to do it everyday for a week, you'll possibly not enjoy it, therefore you won't remember much. School is a good example of this. Some people are born with a "No I don't want all this all the time" mindset and others are born with "MORE MORE MORE" then some are inbetween. If you didn't enjoy school at such early time and everyday of the week you'd be better of doing lessons over a year or so. But feel sorry for me, my dad is stupidly good at driving as he runs a minibus company, and he thinks everyone should pass their test by the second time or else they are incapable of driving. :ermm:
  11. No, Gay is the most overused world of all time you silly gay.
  12. Is it, not actually staying still wobbling like a whore. And more around the 5 area then probably. I think :ermm:
  13. Terror this is pull a funny face thread not the Put your hands in your mouth while looking normal thread. :ermm:
  14. Wow how weird is that, I made a topic with the exact same title. And I said don't say practice after I said it in here. Jesus I feel like a boob.
  15. That's how I have been doing it but without the hop. I shall have a go later when my fingers have recovered from their mangling.
  16. She's looking rather naked and you're looking rather smashed. :- :ermm:
  17. Yes I'm sure it's been posted loads. And I did a little looking around. But at the moment I can't get on my backwheel, I either get it for a couple of seconds like 10 max, but then I just drop down. That happens very rarely though. I usually don't come up enough so fall forward OR on the odd ocassion I'll come to far back. So I need some tips from your lovelies to help me out. I know I'm gonna get the odd cock whip saying "Practice" or "Balance properly" but I actually want advice. Not gayness. Thanks in advance.
  18. I love the bikes, torn between that and a Toxsin 2 Frame. As for the rider well that story speaks for itself, he's a beast. Simple as. Might not be going as big as some of the huge riders nowadays. But he's still amazing.
  19. Cum Gullet. Gullet is interchangeable with a storeage device, such as Dumpster.
  20. Anyone riding Liverpool tomorrow?? Dan is poo at info giving. Thanks in advance.
  21. Loads of riders in Blackpool, you ain't too far away. Maybe an hour or so on a train?
  22. Whereabouts do you live? There'll be people witin a 30 min train journey.
  23. If you mean the geo of the frame, to be honest you ain't gonna find out much from just the geo. Like I said get to a big ride close to you and ask to have a go on someone's bike to see if you like the feel of it. If you do then go ahead and get one :ermm:
  24. Damn, I hate that safety word. And I was going Michael Jackson style from Bo Selecta. Onzay Boy Mark a heeeee heeeeeeeee.
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