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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. MrMonkey

    Picture War

    Obviously not. Whoops I've just taken it apart.
  2. Oui madame, I believe all Monty's have a 19" rear end, only the T-Vee comes with 20" mounts for whatever reason. Also wheelwise, if you're buying a new bike surely it'll come with wheels. Also I think Anal Teflon is selling an X-Lite for £310, full mod. Might be worth looking into?
  3. That's what we meant, not somewhere to just put the BMX threads when they're done, somewhere to post all the BMX stuff on conception, so you don't have to traul through crap to find it :P
  4. MrMonkey


    Gonna be mainly for us super nerdy gamers first, who want the edge :P Or you can download you porno 48x as fast if you're me :P
  5. That's what I meant, that it wouldn't make a big impact to the forum in general, any other part of the forum (bar the gathering of the posts) and bandwidth.
  6. You have 1 post, this one, so I doubt you've made any posts that were post forum clean up, so that could be why.
  7. Could be a good idea. Doubt it'd make a huge impact really.
  8. I implied that I think, but no piracy talk, so this'll get closed probably :P
  9. Because of previous actions, he used to be quite arrogant and very argumentative in an insult flinging kind of way whereas now he seems fine :P Whereas this tosser shouldn't be validated. Anyways, you should go on a ride to Wantage, ask some people to have a go on their bikes maybe, see if you can get the feel for it. It isn't a jump in and go sport really. You have to work a bit at first like emery said, first few months are slow but then you sort of get on a massively steep learning curve and hit something with a slightly more comfortable angle :P
  10. You can get any program free :P
  11. LMAO I dunno why but that's made me laugh loads :P
  12. They're Immortal, OH MY GOD THEY FOUND THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH. And Porter are you on pills, because you either A. Have to stop using them, or B. Need to start using them.
  13. MrMonkey


    Linkerlicious to Be Put in your phone number and it'll tell you if you can get it. ADSL-2 I believe, or something along htose lines. It's a Swedish company.
  14. MrMonkey


    These people are doing 24MB, no caps, not sure who I'll find out ASAP ^_^
  15. Who said I was aiming for funny? There's a different between an insult and funny you know. :)
  16. MrMonkey


    I have wanadoo, but I had it when Freeserve were around. Bout 3 years ago is when I got it. 576kbps no caps, fwahahahaha, asked if I could get upgraded to a faster connection and they said yes but they'd have to cap it ^_^
  17. Riding a bike? Or doing nothing? Because I've had mine for about a year now, skating in them etc, and they are still fine, bar the fact I took the laces out so I could use them as slippers :)
  18. 4th time lucky some say. Or maybe not. But still, me and DLB will most likely be riding St Helens tomorrow if anyone's up for it. I just got your text btw tom I weren't ignoring you, my phone's just gobshite. >_<
  19. MrMonkey

    Billocks Vid

    My point, he starts uploading, posts to say "Oh my video's done it'll be here in a min, expect a quick edit." 2 mins later. "Oh shit, it's broken, I'll try and get it sorted as fast as I can." A mob appears, because they feel like they have been wrongely treated, for whatever reason, and start hurling abuse. >_<
  20. MrMonkey

    Billocks Vid

    You do realise he's like 13ish I think, so maybe he isn't sure on how to upload.
  21. Because people have different opinions, and no it isn't the most skill requiring motor sport.
  22. MrMonkey

    Picture War

    Naked miners beat rock.
  23. Great, you can use the edit button in the future though.
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