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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. Yeah that's what I mean, I'm trying to get someone to find out exactly how long it took him, I'll go searching.
  2. Red, or Zone of the Enders. Both beasty games, and pretty revolutionary for a broad gamer market that the PS2 had (In Comparison with PCs which has many types of very seperate markets with your average gamer only venturing into 1 or 2 of them)
  3. :D £750 is still bum hole loads in comparison to me, for my 18th I doubt I'll get anywhere near that apart from money in a savings account that my mum has been doing since I was a kid, don't know if she still puts money in it though :P Damn you.
  4. So did Bongo defy the laws of physics then? As he put 2 stone on in definetely less than 8 months I'm sure of it. (8 Months would go with your impossible chances of half a stone in 2 months) Can someone confirm this??
  5. Oh my god. £750 for your birthday :D
  6. My local park sucks, oh wait, Rampworx. Damn. BWHAHAHAHAHAHA.
  7. JT! On that map thing you live so close to the sea it's unbelievable, I bet you live under those rocks or something.
  8. I'm sure Bongo put on 2 stone in less time, I'd reckon 1/2 stone in 2 months is nothing. You can lose more weight than that in 2 months. So it should be easy to put it on.
  9. Okay folks, I always try and get the word out about Planetside to people as I think it's an awesome game. I have some trial keys I can give away, they're only 10 days trials and you'll have to download the game. So if anyone wants one post here, there's a limited number so have a look around on the website and see what you think. It's a 1.6GB download so not for those 56kers really. Click me to download. Direct link, you will have to use a download resumer like Get Right or something, as it cuts you off all the time for a couple of seconds. Linky Dinky To Website. Link to website so you can have a look around. The whole concept of the game is to beat the other army and take bases, you get experience for killing people and on the completion of a base capture. I'm sure there's a few others who play aswell so they can probably fill you in on the details a bit better :D
  10. BWHAHAHAHAHAHA, I laugh at your stupidity. So you're telling me Quake 4 would run on some shitty Pentium 2 computer with 8mb of RAM, aswell as it does on my computer, because the graphics are on the disc? When a game is made for the XBox they can make the graphics better, because it can handle the extra detail, so when a game is made for the PS2 it can't handle the extra detail so the graphics aren't as good.
  11. I didn't say you couldn't, I just said that you have to see a lighter side of things like this aswell. Or else the world would be full of gloom and I wouldn't be as hilarious as I am :P
  12. I may have done something in science, but if my head won't work it out logically I don't see how it works. Sometimes I know the right answer but don't know how it works. Or I know the wrong answer but know how it works. Anyway just been to the gym, was fun.
  13. It's funny, because Biff was a member, and got unvalidated for being a wanker, so this ain't gonna go in his favour is it.
  14. Point 1: He would of been pretty much lying down so he didn't get ripped off the bike at such high speed. Point 2: You've seen too many films :P Point 3: Motorcyclists because he was going so fast, it was his carelessness that killed himself and 2 other people. If the driver looked didn't see anything that Mr Motorbike appears in the few seconds while he looks the other way and pulls out you can't say it has anything to do with the driver.
  15. Even I do that's how old school Monkey is with games, but in some games I believe graphics can add to the gameplay, compare the first Resident Evil to the GameCube remake, the better graphics and sound quality added to the tension, suspense and fear. Obviously in some cases a game's still shit with or without good graphics.
  16. She's a smoker, therefore a joker.
  17. How do we live with knowing death will take it's toll on us all. That's right, we have to joke about it. Some people are afraid of dying and will not joke about it, the above people, but others will try to see a funnier side of it to see the lighter side of death, my grandad was like this, having many heart attacks and saying "They'll get me eventually" Bar far one of the funniest men I knew/know. And I know rather than everyone being upset at his funeral he would of rather them be happy, and celebrate his life. Obviously it's extremely difficult to be happy when someone close to you dies and it's never a nice feeling, but afterwards it happened nevertheless. I dunno what my point was really, but if you can't see the funny/happier side to situations then you can never truly be happy. I expect to see alot of responses about DJ, especially to how was it funny/happy, well you could say it brought the trials community closer together, I know they do not equal in the whole scheme of things but it did do that good thing how ever insignificant in may be in comparison to the death of someone.
  18. The question asked was which is better, not which do you prefer, so for all of those who put Playstation 2, you're wrong.
  19. You mean your mates. HAHAHAHAAHA. 1 - 0. So you don't like the custom emoticons Mark, yet you send me about 30 cocks every time I talk to you. Very ironic. :P
  20. I'm trying to work out in my head how a pully increases the ease of leverage. It usually prevents friction, but I can't see how it makes it easier to lift something :P
  21. Wouldn't that prove the exsistence of Area 51 though? I thought it was all classified and deemed not to be real?
  22. The glass has been melted a bit where he hit, and the bottom of the car split. A new weapon of mass destruction, speeding motorcyclists.
  23. If you can lift 80kg on a machine, but only 65kg when you free lift them, you're doing something wrong. Get your technique bang on and you should be able to life similar amounts. And I don't know of any 15 year old bodybuilders, bar that little kid who met Arny and was built like a beast. I'd rather look like Bruce Lee's Master's son than a body builder, he's in his 60s aswell. No definition just pure healthyness and hard as a rock.
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