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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. Oh yes, I'll bum lick one SM and act like a twat everywhere else. That'll get me so many brownie points. :) So because I like Tomm, I'm bum licking. Maybe if I liked him in a certain way I might do. But I don't. Oh and my points still stand, I think this country sorted before we fanny about in other countries affairs. There will always be criminals but paying for more police, and better training for the police = less criminals and they're caught faster. Same with drugs, stop the import of them and then it's harder for people to get hold of them.
  2. How can an opinion be wrong? I can honestly say Tomm is one of the SMs who I really do respect, and he is very intelligent. So stop with your idiotic "I know you are but what am I" type arguments
  3. Whoa, Whoa, Whoa nelly. I dunno if your trying to make yourself sound clever or not, but what the hell are you talking about. If everyone elses countries why is ours f**ked? America becomes f**ked they withdraw their loans from all countries? That what you're going to say next.
  4. I bet it's him jumping off then they play the film backwards :P Rather nice one might say.
  5. That's what I mean, think how little it would take to fix our country compared to the amount to fix Africa etc. Do ours first then theirs and it will work better.
  6. I do have good will, I said sort out our country first. I just have different priorities. The stock piles of food and clothes in this country could be distributed right now in this country. Why not? The poor and homeless need them right now aswell but who gives two f**ks about our own people haha no-one cares about the uneducated in our country. I agree with you. Erm, I never complain about the things you have put in your post. I complain about how we let immigrants slip through the net and they get to live off our benefits when they went through France, which isn't at war, so therefore that is their first safe haven. They should stop there but they don't. I also complain about how poor certain areas of this country are. I complain about how we should start trying to clean up this country instead of helping other countries. Once this country works well then we will make more money and lead better lives, then we can help other countries to work towards prosperity.
  7. You sir are a f**king genious, and I agree with you 100% when this country is sorted then we sort out other countries. Then we will find it easier to help them because we've sorted ourselves out.
  8. That's a well paying job isn't it? Like 30 something a year? (I mean grand before some fag says something)
  9. Please god tell me you copied and pasted that spelling (N)
  10. We should get given Vulcan Miniguns. You know just incase. HAHA I can hear it now. "Jump him" *WHIRRRRR* *RATATATATATATATATATATTATAATTATATATATATAAATATATATATATATATATATATATA* 500 bullet holes in a wall with some dead chavs in front of it (Y)
  11. Wow just thought of something, reading Mark's post it just came to me. My bro is a dirty f**king chav. Same parents same everything. So there you go his choice. And Mark I've noticed that to, the lower years in our school are all little c**ts.
  12. Hmmmm my friends started drinking at about 12-13 some of the people I was hanging around with in Primary School in Year 5 I stopped doing so later in Year 5 because I wasn't stupid enough to let them pull me down. I was making my own choices before then, suchas not to follow my friends onto the railway tracks mainly because I was afraid, but I also knew it was the wrong thing to do. My Nan, Other Nan and Grandad all smoked, I used to see them everyday now two of them have died due to it. I knew it was bad to smoke so I didn't like it, and I always told them to stop. Like young children do they speak there mind without thinking. I dunno what else to type but I know there's some other stuff you'll say then I'll give my opinion, and because it's different to yours you'll say It's not going through.
  13. Well, you obviously are quite a naive person. All of my friends do drink I don't. Strange wouldn't you say. I make my own choices. I stopped talking to people because of the way the acted. All my choices, proving I did have a choice in all of those matters. Also I don't give a shit about my money problems, I don't care if other people no. If they want to take the piss they can, if just shows how retarded they are. Also it does bear relevance, due to the fact less money means worse conditions usually. So it does, you just think of it on more than one level.
  14. I do understand this, but that's like saying a child is born with intelligence. Which is not true, a child may have a better memory. But this does not increase intelligence. My memory is shite, but I'm clever. More to the point, yes Parents can influence a child. But in no way do they influence more than 20% of a child. The child will choose to be how he pleases. If they want to be 100% Cnut they can be. If they choose not to be that's the way they'll be.
  15. What? I was stating facts about my life and how upbringing has nothing to do with how a person behaves. It may slightly influence it, but the parents who don't care about their kids staying out all night only help their children become more twattish. If the kid wants to stay out all night he will, he has a perfectly good and simple choice, go home or stay out get drunk start fights etc. Oh and from what you've said saying your parents are divorced wouldn't make a slight difference. You said you were middle class. No problems with money there then I guess? Yer that's something your missing. That f**ks you up more than anything, when you know your mum's struggling to keep up with payments and buying food. So stop SPOUTING f**kING SHIT. because I'm getting really pissed off with your arrogance.
  16. Or maybe they're thick ignorant f**ks? Some lad beat le shizer out of me, (chav of course) and my headteacher blamed it on his upbringing too. My mum and dad are divorced. Not much money, never was. I live right next to a council estate. I am one of the nicest people you will meet in real life (Not over the internet I'm just a twat here) But in real life I'm nice :) I'm always joking about and I don't take much seriously and I try hard at school, I believe to get anywhere in life I need to earn it. Chavs do not think this, they want things others have. Therefore they steal it and mug others for money to get what they want. I can't be bothered to type anymore because my right arm has just started aching really badly. But you get my general jist. To say it's because of their upbringing is appaulingly ignorant. Right or Wrong are mainly a person's conscience (sp?) Nothing else. Don't tell me people are brought up badly by their parents my mate is in a similar situation to me but worse. And he's just as nice as I am and is willing to help people out no matter what. So don't spout BS.
  17. So they look different to most other skanks out there :lol: And Yes the Male G spot is in your bum. Boy George said it on The Frank Skinner Show.
  18. MrMonkey

    Kazaa Lite?

    Downloading, Bongo you're on my MSN I'll send it to you :(
  19. MrMonkey

    Kazaa Lite?

    www.fileplanet.com I think you have to sign up. Just search for it and it's there :(
  20. MrMonkey


    Safe >_< And why can't you swallow the drops??? Or does it just numb your stomach and make your bowels uncontrolable?
  21. MrMonkey


    I know, I was thinking I should of posted a picture but I'm just too lazy >_<
  22. MrMonkey


    Those things that have a hole in the middle so it's a piercing that has like rings to hold it open like so. O So things can go through it.
  23. Hmmmm You know those long refresher bars (Yellow things) I rolled one up and got it stuck in my throat. My mate also treid to cut my fingers off with a spade.
  24. MrMonkey


    From the album: Misc Stuff

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