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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. Mine still isn't f**king working, this is starting to piss me off.
  2. Microsoft are fannying about with something most likely. No-one can sign in.
  3. MrMonkey


    Hmmm, for those who said things along the lines of "Why should we help?" Won't it be funny when you need help and hopefully a pigeon has also just shat on your face to add to the comicalness.
  4. Well even if a man did want to shag me I think I'd pass up, as my rear exit is just that an exit not an entrance.
  5. (Y) Please stop I can only take so much gay intercourse talk in one day. I'm my quotiant for 50 years is now up >_<
  6. And I feel sick now >_<
  7. I don't have a bike Mr Sams B) I'll also post again which a pic so you don't think I'm lying or anything >_< 01 ) MrMonkey's Proof (17:05:2) Mwahahahahahah, for I am your king.
  8. 1) Carl 13:48:9 c'mon you bastards beat that fwahahahahahahaha. This game is really addictive >_<
  9. NOOOOOOO, not Cowboy Bebop, Watch Hellsing or Trigun. Or Beserk, all proper anime. Not Cowboy Bebop >_<
  10. Ok the 9800Pro is around £110, the Processor should be around £90-100 depending how good it is and where you get it from the RAM should be at tops £55, the 9800Pro is 128MB or 256MB but the 128MB will be sufficient as the memory in graphics card isn't really a big thing apart from in mega demanding games that cripple my PC like a kick to the bollocks. Hope this helps. And try www.kelkoo.co.uk to find cheap prices :) And all of the extra stuff will make it go alot faster I get about 100fps on HL2 and that's with what I call pretty good graphics and my PC ain't as good as that :blink:
  11. Ok, Processor is fine unless you want to beast it up. If you do get an AMD 64 3200+ or something similar, get another 512MB of ram. Graphics card get a 9800Pro :blink: Or get a 9800SE and get this months PC Gamer which tells you how to change the SE into a Pro :)
  12. *Sitting in his suit* Does that mean we can come?
  13. MrMonkey

    Msn Messenger

    I've never had a single problem with any Beta MSNs. So you can't say that they are common. Or else I would of had one.
  14. Can we come to the wedding, I've never been to a wedding that would be so cool. I'll get my suit :blink:
  15. 2 quality posts that I 100% agree with. My hatred for some people is high, but the people who feel the need to be a twat all their life and leech of tax payers money because they can't be f**king arsed to get a job really do piss me off something chronic.
  16. MrMonkey


    Or for that special feel Make your own it's in the big list of things :blink:
  17. I'll play if you want me :blink: Any map, things like that don't bother me I'm too good :)
  18. Everyone in my school thinks the Bonsai Kittens site is real, one of my mates is so stubborn he won't believe me at all. Some people are so retarded.
  19. Just to point something out the SCL shouldn't be Semi Clan Leader, it's like a semi erection but not. So Secondary Clan leader of DCL for Deputy Clan Leader (Which is the one I'm most familiar with) would definetely be better. If you don't mind me saying. :S
  20. On the West point one I made a 1.5 mil bridge that worked hurray for me :D Now done it for $881,000 oh yes I am a god. $757,000 is my lowest now, goodness gracious me I'm so good.
  21. MrMonkey


    Wow that made me laugh so much, I'm so sad.
  22. MrMonkey


    And you know 6 million didn't die? All of those Jewish people disappeared from Germany, records would probably show that it happened and in what numbers, I have not seen these nor will I try to look. But I'd say div is pretty much right. I was also called a "nigger" once. And for people here who know what I look like etc, they would say I don't really look anything other than white, maybe a bit tanned but that's it. Anyway my rant over, the only time I show a hint of racism is over immigration. France isn't war torn they have to pass through it first, oh wait bad Health Services and Benefits, that's right flock to England. God almighty don't get me started on that.
  23. HL2 was a huge let down for me, completed it so quickly. My bro has GTA:SA and I played it for a bit and it seems really good. But he won't come of NFSU:2 at the moment. So I have to wait a bit to play it again.
  24. I just read it as one question though, "Why are you getting angry over a debate?" Like to say, "Whoa foo' no need to get nasty over this here shit, calm yowself dawg" I ain't saying you talk like that either.
  25. Contradictions all you need big daddy.
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