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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. Have a shit on the floor and ask them which is worse. :(
  2. They had been dead for too long. Why would you inbreed all the clever people? People do not necessarily have to be clever to be worthy of being alive. People can be stupid but be extremely nice. It's the people who don't deserve to live who I am talking about. This is not chav bashing, if anyone deserves to be destroyed they are. Such as a goth kills someone they do not deserve to live. I ain't going from what social group you are in. But we know that most of the people who are like this are chavs. What Michael Howard said about immigration though would of had something to do with how hard they are willing to work. They know Americans and Glaswegians will work, but people from the Middle East may try to live off benefits. Or there's a higher chance of them trying to. What's the point of the shawshank redemption I've seen it, but what does that mean. Is it even relevant? Tomm, France is much worse in some ways (I just thought of Health Service and I don't know why) but benefits wise I do have a feeling it is worse. Or why would they pass through France to come to here.
  3. Oh no you mentioned Immigration. That means I can, basically if you come to this country and don't do your fair share you leave or get killed. Also France isn't war torn they should stop their first. But no they come here with our good benefits and free health service. It annoys me so much. ARGH piss ants.
  4. Oh well that's even better then :D If only I would of been there, it's funny in a terribly painful way.
  5. I knew he fell out of the car but it took me a while to realise he got hit by another car :(
  6. You should really put to more than £21 though you cheap arse :(
  7. Man Nuts roasting on an open fire.
  8. You must be joking :D How the hell does that work? :(
  9. I wonder if anyone else has an opinion on this :(
  10. I know what you're saying about the death sentence thing and the fact they should be made suffer. But in a way they get a free place to live (especially at the moment) and they get free food etc. Even if they were in their for full sentences like Life means until they are dead not 25 years, it may be more acceptable. But in some cases they should just be killed. Or for stealing once you loose a hand, do it again you loose a foot no not a hand a foot, then do it again which would be really hard you loose your other foot. If you can manage to do it again you loose your hand. Old style punishment from ye olde days.
  11. What a pile of twang Trials-Shack has gone down :(
  12. Went straight for the member photos did ye :P And not all of them are just alot of them, but think how shit the conversations would be. They can't string educated things together.
  13. Nothing to do with the film really, just what the film made me think about. Nothing to do with Jesus or any other religion either. Something much more real than that. In the film John Coffee (I know it isn't spelt like that) is a Jesus type figure for those who don't know. He tries to save 2 little girls who have been killed and raped by a person unknown at the start of the film, but he is found holding the 2 girls (It's the big guy who plays Bear in Armageddon) so obviously people think he did it. He gets sent to Death Row with Tom Hanks etc etc. In the process of being on Death Row he helps Tom Hanks by removing his bladder infection, Dale who is another inmate and slightly simple keeps shouting for help but Tom Hanks then stands up and goes to the toilet to find he can piss without the razorblade like pain he had before. The story goes on and their's an evil type guard in their called Percy who kills Dale's mouse (if you think that's bad see what else the fanny hat does) then John brings it back to life. Then there's a bit of dilly dallying and it's time for Dale's execution, Percy has said he will move to a different prison if they let him do the speech type part before the execution and a few other things, they agree just to get rid of him. When it comes to he does not wet the sponge that helps the electricity kill Dale quicker therefore there is about 5 minutes of a man been electrified and he sets on fire, Percy tries to turn away but Tom Hanks makes sure he watches. After this, Hal's wife (Hal being one of Tom Hank's friends) who has a brain tumor is visited by John, Tom Hanks and 2 other guards take him to see her. He performs another miracle, and removes the brain tumor. They take him back to his cell where after a few minutes he grabs Percy and sends the bad stuff (best way to describe it) into him, this causes him to kill another inmate who was the one who originally killed the 2 little girls. He also shows Tom Hanks what the man did to the little girls. Tom Hanks is willing to let John go, but he won't have it. He says people in the world (who he can hear all the time and he can feel their pain in some circumstances) are basically driving him mad, or as he says like little pieces of glass in his head. They then take him to the electric chair, he won't let them put the bag over his head as he is scared of the dark, by this time I was crying. For those who think that makes me gay well that's nice for you but I don't give a flying f**k. They then continue to kill him with most of the guards crying including Brutal who by his name you can tell he isn't the softest of folk. Anyway that's how the film goes onto my story now. After the film I was thinking someone who had such a special power was allowed to be killed, yet some of the ignorant f**ks on this planet who truly are a waste of air, no not just the useful parts of air all of it. Such as the dirty chavs who just create more and more of their own kind who just like fighting and drinking and being a general pain drain on society's energy. These people do not realise 8 children will not bring them more happiness nor will it bring anybody else happiness as their children will go out and see that as normal, swearing fighting etc etc. Then you come to think of the Nazi's ok they were extreme with their removing of people from the gene pool. But they were onto some very good ideas. They didn't want Jewish people (this will not get racist) so they killed them, they only wanted fit blue eyed blonde haired people. So these people were the last sent to war, so more people would have the chance of been the same. This needs to be done in this country, certain people should be either A- Steralised in whatever way or B- Killed. Crimes should come with a real punishment none of this fannying about with 1 year long court cases, if the evidence says you're guilty you are. You cannot appeal your sentence unless the circumstances are extremely worthy. I know some of you are going to say how extreme this is. But I see it everyday when kids who have been sent out of their classes and into one of mine because there are less 6th formers so more room for them. And they constantly interupt MY f**king lesson where I want to learn. You also know you can't do anything about it as it will be you who gets punished not them. This country needs corporal punishment and the death penalty back. Why won't they put a referendum out on it, because they will both go through, and a government does not need that pressure if they kill someone unfairly. But they also don't realise how much good it would do. I'll put this into a more familiar context, DJ, think how much he deserves to live compared to the people in that car. Think how much it'd be so much better to trade their lives for just his.
  14. I don't think they were taking the piss really mate, and if they were it's because they are jealous. :D
  15. Nice dirty brown arsehole on show to the world. And that looks demonic how green could it's eyes be.
  16. Well in my wallet there's some paper and money. Oh you said fridge.
  17. LOL, No I'm doing it in a sort of nice way. But someone had a go at me for some reason, so I'm taking the piss. I didn't go on with intent to cause harm. But someone thought it would be funny to call me a "faggit" so yeah. I posted in one of the peoples rap things saying how I think raps about life experience are better. That's all, just constructive criticism. But then some girl said something. I didn't mean to be a dick, it just happened as part of my retaliation on one person.
  18. Where the chavs gather - Click Here To See Them In Their Habitat I'm called Penis Face on there. So all register and take the piss.
  19. Yer, I bet you mean man mayonaise.
  20. MrMonkey

    Fancy Dress

    AHHHH Tweek stop posting that picture, I've seen it like 4 times now :D
  21. How does he taste when marinated in a barbeque sauce?
  22. Bad weather, that just pisses me off no matter what. f**king shitty UK weather.
  23. Out of interest what do all you mini drivers pay on insurance?? Especially the younger out of you who've recently passed your tests :ermm: Thanks.
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