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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. It was on TV, I can only go off what I've seen I'm just saying I seen it on TV and that's what it said.
  2. Looks a bit like a tandom, but I ain't sure.
  3. MrMonkey


    Stretched skin changes colour though, as blood doesn't circulate as well as it should. That could quite possibly be real.
  4. But how tall are you? If I'm taller I'm more stickish.
  5. Yet he went to a health clinic and they said his body fat was 1%.
  6. Kerry Getz is a Pro Skater and he has 1%. Quite shocking really healthy.
  7. How tall are you and how much do you weigh?
  8. MrMonkey


    :blink: Thanks for that. You have a half a CM hole in your dick. That's like a bullet wound.
  9. HOUSE OF PAIN, Jump Around. Oh yes. I love that song.
  10. Ok ladies. How fat are you? What's your Body mass index? Do I sound like Anne Robinson from the weakest link? Click Me Bitch Mines 21.00 Pretty much underweight for me. So tell us what's your BMI, unless you're really that embarassed and remember 14 pounds to the stone. BMI=21.00 Waist Size=32" For I am le stick.
  11. Maths is different. GCSE is sorta of possibly usable. But Integration is an absolute pile of shit. Then you learn how to do it the other way. Which is Fannyation or something useless. We didn't get to do Mechanics the only thing I wanted to do which was f**king excellent.
  12. MrMonkey

    Black Holes

    Ooooo to add a little sub topic, if all cells divide and multiply etc. Why wouldn't there be anything after death, I do realise cells die. But if everything carries on getting bigger etc. So really things should carry on after death making bigger and better things. But in an alternated universe or something gay and weird like that, that nerds know alot about. (MonsterJ's joke will be something along the lines or me knowing alot about it or something.)
  13. Well this was dragged up from the dead. But at the moment I'm regretting doing Maths. 3 Teachers that's basically 3 pieces of maths homework on the run constant. It can get you down quite badly. So I'll probably drop it ASAP.
  14. Doesn't need to be expensive, as your dad probably makes more money than you. So get something really thoughtful. That he needs or would really like. Or just spend time with him and ask him if he wants to watch a film with you or something so he gets to spend time with you.
  15. No we'll have belly button fetishers coming out the woodwork. Complete leather suit apart from the belly button showing. Then people will join perving over them. You know general freaks.
  16. Mines similar to yours, so join me on the perfection boat.
  17. NFL is so lame, it's rugby with alot of padding. And the only reason they say it hurts more is because of all the metal padding, and helmets. That's why NFL players are scared of playing rugby. NHL Is cool though, I watched a programme about the NHL players who are there to fight. They are f**king nutters.
  18. MrMonkey


    Erm, I didn't do any but got Bs and Cs and a D and an E, mainly Bs though. But anyway only do revision for subjects you struggle in. Don't waste your time looking at stuff you know like you know how to poo.
  19. I'm perfect in every way so mines obviously an innie.
  20. If it's good I'll listen to it. Such as The Chemical Brothers' new song Galvanize (I think) That song is cool.
  21. MrMonkey

    Black Holes

    But you can be crushed into a tiny little ball then explode.
  22. MrMonkey

    Black Holes

    Death, as they are a huge gravity suction type thing.
  23. Yes ASRock is absolute wank, I would rather ejaculate into a fan and use the chopped up leftovers as a motherboard than this piece of wank.
  24. Just so you know most media is Conservative. Why would a person who wants more money vote Labour (Bar a few, David Lloyd George and Tony Benn are examples) But I think the PM would have better questions asked by people who know alot about Politics. Not saying I would want to go as I would be nervous in the situation, as what he has done to this country is quite amazing.
  25. About what? Trials Punk did say, "most voters will agree that it is bad letting all these people in to sponge off us" Therefore they won't vote for Le Blair if he doesn't do something about it.
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