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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. Dual Klobbs baby, rawr I loved that shit.
  2. You don't need to que on any everquest 2 server.
  3. I have wanadoo they are cheap mother f**king c**ts. Freeserve was only remotely better. But I can't see them giving anything away from free. Apart from shitty connections, no I have to pay for mine.
  4. MrMonkey


    You were saying I have 2 brain cells and that isn't my fault it's the skins. So therfore I am not stupid, you are for not catering for my needs.
  5. MrMonkey


    I'm using a skin that doesn't underline links. If you had 2 brain cells you would of put click here.
  6. Queing to get on WoW servers, wow that's fun. Everquest 2 is for more realistic players who like medieval battles, WoW is for kids who can't play without multicoloured dragons raping their riggits.
  7. MrMonkey


    Help with what. Don't be to specific.
  8. Mines a Monkey dressed up as the grim reaper. (I typed raper first time) But yer. I'll edit once I know what it says underneath it. And it says reforming because I'm trying to change. I think I might of done it quite well. But I also might not of. Pardon my explicit idiocy my avatar is no longer the monkey. It's some random crap I found.
  9. MrMonkey

    Everquest 2

    How many of you play what level are you etc. Try not to post if you don't play unless you are interested don't need anyone from WoW in here either trying to flame. We know how badly WoW did in America, servers went flop. But yer what level are you what class what server do you play do you have any tips do you want to know anything about the game etc. I know there isn't any punctuation but I do not care really (Y)
  10. If it starts to go down hill and there are more women interviewers just say "Phwoar, it's hot in here mind if I take off some clothes?" Rip off your pants and brandish your man snake in one hand while holding a cowboy hat in your other hand and pretend your on a bucking broncho.
  11. It's your opinion though so I don't mind, that's the only reason I put the in my opinion. Becuase I know the musical tastes on these boards are varied. But it did make me laugh :lol:
  12. No, we are talking about attitudes, I love stupid people because you all make me look clever. Read why chavs annoy us before you post big piles of stinky bull shit.
  13. They're all rubbish, (IN MY OPINION) shite shite shite shite. Listen to Slayer.
  14. Erm, I don't think it's that as I don't understand it. And it's got nothing to do with DNA, as that's what it's about. I think.
  15. Ok, need some help, have missed some lessons of Biology due to being ill. But being a good boy I still went to pick up my homework. I need to know what a Translation is in Biological terms of a cell. AND where it occurs in a cell. Also a sort of description of how it happens. So if I get asked something gay I know what to say. Also how does DNAs structure is related to it's function. Thank you all in advance (Y) <_<
  16. Have you checked it in your sound control button thing?
  17. I read that last bit 5 times to work out what it said. Even as a full sentence I was lost :rolleyes:
  18. www.skateboard.com Dunno if they do international delivery just yet. But I know you can do it just not over the internet. Like you have to phone them up or something. But basically we pay £40 for a hoody on their it will be $35 which is £17.50ish. So it's uber cheap.
  19. But that wasn't funny really was it.
  20. Was that the moving hands and moving mouths but completely random, sort of like the dolls on Team America?
  21. Do as Rich said but I'd make my real self a demi-god, who shall live forever making sure people are equal and destroying those who are not worthy. Mwhahahaha. Can you actually imagine what power like that would be like with me in control of it.
  22. By paralysed do you mean just no use of your legs? If so yes paralysis over death. But if there's any drooling or weird shit or anything then no I'd rather die.
  23. (Y) That's the harshest thing ever, but goes well with your new GAYBOY avatar. :) I salute you my gay brother. Not that I am gay.
  24. I know but it's an excuse.
  25. MrMonkey


    We're talking about the burnt bits on pancakes. Which me and le george think isn't charcoal. But Tomm and Shoe boy think is charcoal. Me and George are right though, just on pure sex appeal we win.
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