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Guy Guy

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Everything posted by Guy Guy

  1. wow !!!!! you're a GOD ! that huge side-hop, extreme high-risk jumps... wow careful dude...
  2. wow! excellent location, color, editing! extreme rider !
  3. very good video! as far as i remember he said that he's about to quit.. ?
  4. wow !! you got lucky at the end !
  5. incredible video ! editing, music, effects... and of course - the rider ! you have 2 frames ?
  6. Guy Guy

    Cotty, Onza Ice

    Well done ! your gaps are not starting from the edges, you can get more distance
  7. The video is not available, check your facebook privacy settings
  8. WOWOWOWOWOWOW i want to learn from him ! and to be as good !!
  9. this place looks like a great spot for most skills level!!! i love this style of riding! i'm also trying to stand high, and land smooth... i'm not there yet... he's good !
  10. haha, by reading what you wrote i thought it will be boring but it's not ! you're good and way to go !-) i like!
  11. NICE!! but the intro is way too long... the whole clip is 3 minutes, and the intro is almost a minute ! very skilled rider!
  12. the link is broken! i can't see it
  13. you may know that in israel everything is going slow.. so finally there's trials riders in israel. and there's a tiny community ! we are 10-15 riders.... and i hope we're growing. to help it growing i made a short video so show people who doesn't know what trials is without any extreme stuff (we're still practicing:)) - comments are welcome! -Guy
  14. Wow !! well done for your pedal-up.. very sharp and smooth!
  15. No WAY ! ! ! ! he makes it looks too easy !!!! i know it's not!!
  16. Hey all - that is me - last week sorry it's not edited..
  17. i just keep watching it... again and again...
  18. WOWOWO !!! that is crazy !!! Well done !!
  19. HMMM.. i didn't get it what happened in the end.. the big pedal -gap///
  20. Nice style !!! very smoth! that is a teaser!! too short
  21. WOW Unbelievable rider !! greate editing - although the soundtrack doesn't match 100%
  22. Nice pair! that's a deeeep grind !
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