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dannytrialskid last won the day on January 7 2012

dannytrialskid had the most liked content!

About dannytrialskid

  • Birthday 12/19/1993

Contact Methods

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Previous Fields

  • County (UK Only)
    West Sussex
  • Real Name
    Danny Green
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Koxx Sky 2 26"
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Motor Trials, Cycle Trials.
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dannytrialskid's Achievements

Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. New bike turns up tomorrow! :D

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. dannytrialskid
    3. koxxboy14


      Do you find you can still go as big?

    4. dannytrialskid


      yeah, takes a ride or two to get up to speed though, but that is expected.

      I can do some stuff better on 20, feel like i have more control over the bike

  2. Nice to know that I'm either well known or a celeb. Taken as a compliment. Thanks. Nice to also see that you think I'm muscly. Also taken as a compliment. Thanks.
  3. This is very clever. Going to have to try this when I go ride in Sweden.
  4. Yeah I have around 2 comps a month. Sometimes 1. I have natural stuff on my seafront, well just rocks, but my arms pump on those after like 30 seconds so I think starting on those would be a good starting point too.
  5. I think I need to redo my whole routine. So what should I do? Squats Deadlifts What else?
  6. How many reps on Deadlift and sets? Anything in my routine i should take out? I only want to do stuff that helps with trials
  7. Why does no one make them available on mobiles Nice video, those trials places look fun to ride Nice riding too!
  8. Richard Tickner snapped his frame at the Hook Woods British Round. Enjoy.
  9. Also I take Whey Protein and Creatine Monohydrate. I know the Whey Protein wouldn't affect me, but would the Creatine?
  10. Ok, I get it now. So the days are different every week caus of the odd number. Got a little confused. I'll try it, thanks. Edit: So you put in chest and tri's for twice a week? And, do you reckon I should give like a week break before trying this out. So that everything is fresh and relaxed, that way I can see whether it has made a difference? By break I mean just cardio and abs.
  11. Most of my comps are on Sundays, what would I do if I missed out on the Sunday routine though? + I like to try and ride atleast 5 times a week.
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