I haven't been on here for ages and it's kind of a weird topic to first post on but anyway.....
I don't know if it will help much, i'm just going by personal experience and it sounds like i didn' have it half as bad as some poeple here.
it's going to sound like the worst advice ever but i found that once i noticed i had a problem, i was always upset and it really wasn't normal and then i told myself i was happy! i told myself i was happy every minute of the day, i thought about other people in the world. I know you always hear this; poor people in Africa, children working in sweatshops in China, but when you think about it, and think about the problems in your life, they just seem so small.
Of course nobodys problems are smaller or bigger than anyone elses, even though i just said that....but i just found if i could use my brainas an advantage rather than it bringing me down!
Oh and exercise! It helped me a lot too! Running especally!
The most important thing though is to talk to people, talk to them about your problems and all the good thing in your life as well
I hope that helped....as you can see i'm no psychiatrist (don't know if that's how it's spelt) but i've been through similiar things, although not on the same level...
Anyway you can always talk to me if you like
and Oh on a lighter note; you bought my bike Hannah! lol