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About snoolax

  • Birthday 10/27/1988

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  • County (UK Only)
    Non UK
  • Real Name
    Ben Raphael Pein
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    26 street trial, 26 stock =) loves 26

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Bike trial, Drums, music, life
  • Location

snoolax's Achievements

Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. great video, really enjoy the urban riding
  2. like the minature behind! nice simple setup with vees
  3. nice really like it
  4. NICE. love the riding and the dancing totally!
  5. snoolax

    Clean - Scotland

    nice video! were all the brakes squeaking coming from ali's riding?
  6. nice site and videos, a bit over imo of the black and white but its really clean as it is
  7. omfg i have seen lots of videos of all kind but this is just crazy! the flow and the hugeness of it is just insane
  8. http://www.pinkbike.com/news/Street-Trials-Scottish-Tourism-2011.html not about him... but still awesome as always!
  9. hijacking the topic a bit.. disc brakes works better for small wheelsize right? considering shorter spokes = less flex?
  10. he must be sick from tuning all the maguras from the long way back home trip haha
  11. watched it this morning(morning for me area) live on red bull tv. the whole show was damn good. danny is really a down to earth guy. With all his videos showing all his spectacular riding, he could have just keep all his fails hidden maintaining his image of the holy legendary. how many people would actually come out and say that each line actually took hours of tries and countless of fails before nailing it? people who falls and laugh really love what they do
  12. wow his 'take it to the next level' is really THE NExt higher level of stairs....
  13. snoolax

    Molde Ride 2011

    nice. like the filming and riding
  14. Not sure if this was posted, but its awesome! my favourite 26 trial rider Ali c!
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