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About modifiedridah2k9

  • Birthday 08/28/1997

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    Echoi lite, spec later cant be bothered at 3 in the morn :L
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  • Interests
    Trials Biking
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modifiedridah2k9's Achievements

Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. i mgight be riding tommorow if the weathers good :)

  2. What's your msn? interested in tpro frame

  3. Hey guys, I'm off to a memorial ride in a hour or so and i cant help feeling i have forgotten to take something. Could you name aoll the things you would usually take on a ride? cheers
  4. Fair they do look okay, not very trialsy. Onza Zoots are amazing for street/bmx and trials.
  5. Yeah, i'll just stick with the biggest group lol, will i meet you somewhere kieran?
  6. Emailed a ton of people asking them to come along and watch or ride etc. Hopefully a few peoplewill come, it will be good if more people come. I also made them aware of Courtnays mum + dad doing the cycle for donations and that i think there will be a thing to put donations in at the ride. So is the ride still at loose ends or do you know where we will be going and what will be happening?
  7. Hey, been practising for months and cant do manuals. Anybody got any tips please? Also is TrialTech sport risers and a TrialTech sport stem a good height of front end for manuals?
  8. Watched it last night, pure gold! Its so funny Lol, the guy in the speedo's :') Is it every monday its on? Wat time?
  9. oh my god! You are deffinitly one of my favorite riders, absolutly beast Jack! Cant wait till the next vid, keep it up!
  10. I know Ross McDonald has one and Ross Mcarthur i think? Dont know if they will be willing to meet up though. Send them a comment on here.
  11. Ah... Didnt want to say it but it looks nothing like the new curve, alot skinnier than the new one.
  12. Someone pleeaseee explain to me what the show is all about? All my mates watch it and i dont even know what it is sounds damn funny though!
  13. Oh, Sorry, i never knew you could buy Ozonys stickers :$
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