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About ~Samsam~

  • Birthday 09/14/1990

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  • County (UK Only)
    Tyne & Wear
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~Samsam~'s Achievements

Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. ~Samsam~

    New Tattoos

    Just got my first tattoo today A space invader on my calf Will post some pictures up when I get them. Was told I would be in agony and it wasn't even a scratch, hurts more now then when I got it done, some people >.<
  2. Granted but your least favorite person in the whole world comes to stay with you for 3 weeks I wish the stuff I ordered would arrive already
  3. ~Samsam~


    Our cleaners seem to ruin everything we do with doors as they're round the corridor every morning at around 5. Lol, thanks for the ideas though, immense thread
  4. ~Samsam~


    I have a lot of trouble getting into one of the guys rooms, which is the main one I want to do something like that too -.- Might go one extra and do it over the bath too
  5. ~Samsam~


    Looking for some inspiration for pranks to play on my flat mates Anything and everything will do, from stupid things to put on doors to nutsacking them in their sleep I'm new to sabotage, help me out?
  6. ~Samsam~


    Incase someone hasn't said it already Rage Against The Machine - Killing In The Name
  7. Could be an unlimited list of things if it simply won't power on Take battery out for few hours Where's it been stored?
  8. So how difficult is it to ride 100 miles on a roadie? On general roads, the odd up and down etc. Sounds like a decent challange
  9. ~Samsam~


    I like it Good job
  10. When I find perfection, I'll let you know
  11. Northumbria is apparently shit Though maybe that's just an opinion going round Newcastle University, though the person in halls opposite me and the person next door to me both intended to go to Northumbria first before they looked round, then changed to Newcastle The toon itself is nice though
  12. Wow lol, totally missed that one Ok, urm Craig Charles Suicide
  13. Terry Gene Bollea ( Hulk Hogan) Cardiac arrest
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