I'd have to disagree with your comments on media courses, sociology, english etc... I'd probably go as far to say as you've never looked at a prospectus for any of these courses, although the contact time is low, to actually pass you need to do a fair amount of work. The first year is what most courses are judged by too and admittedly the work load is lower than other courses in the first year. If you make it to the 2nd and 3rd though, the workload gets a lot heavier, and as with anything, the course is as much work as you make for yourself. Sure, it can be blagged like most things but your knowledge will be far lower than someone who has put in the work. It's pretty ironic that you're getting up on your high horse having a go at everyone for not being pro active too, seeing as you're just having a moan more than anything. Can't really see any general progression evolving from your pissy attitude.