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Everything posted by the666ers

  1. I'll be going hopefully, looks absolutely insane!
  2. Not necersarilly a bad thing. Cool video man, shame it seems the weather wasn't great.
  3. Or most are stupid spoiled whores like paris hilton who get given spykers to drive across the globe for achieving nothing in their lives.
  4. What a beast! She lasted a good while then boss!!! Miss that bike, good to see you got some use out of it after me though
  5. Unfortunately boss, that song was written in reference to cancer treatments that were being used on his dying father. Listen again and you'll realise straight away. Mine are: 'Music is the art most nigh to tears and memory' oscar wilde Can't think of others right now, always the case!
  6. Haha you probably email john more than I do I reckon - I'm sure he'll sort it soon! James
  7. Those meccano central locking kits absolutely did my nut in on my golf. They were about as reliable as a russian whore.
  8. What would you have run instead and why?
  9. I realise i can make it lighter but i dont want to really. Anything sub 23lbs feels very unstable, I know cos I've had it under 22lbs before. Plastic bar ends break Ti brake kit was sent to us accidentally instead of regular one, so it was dead cheap. Sevenka's cos I could. Wheels need to last so 'buy the best, buy it once' Tyres cos khe's make the bike feel as unstable as a shit, and the fly's have a good all round tread pattern. Not quite sure if you're trying to be funny or something? Edit: I'll ride for half a pijin if its a good'un
  10. Bike Check at Pijin bmx here Few pics of the machine: Frame:MacNeil Bibi Fork:Odyssey Pro Race Svelte Headset:Superstar Bars:Fit Flow Mid Bar Ends:Wethepeople titanium Stem:Fit S3 Grips:Wethepeople Defcon Brake Lever:Odyssey Monolever medium Brake:Fly with ti fiesta kit Seat:MacNeil Capital Seat Post:MacNeil Stump Seat Clamp:Loophole Front Wheel:Profile mini hub with 10mm ti bolts, Odyssey 7KA rim Back Wheel:Profile mini cassette 10T ti driver with ti bolts, Odyssey 7KA chrome rim Tyres:Fly Ruben 2.0 Front 1.9 Rear Cranks:Profile Race with titanium axle and titanium bolts Sprocket:Profile Imperial 27T Chain:KMC 510HX Bottom Bracket: MacNeil Pedals: Shimano DX with all pins removed on one side Hope you like James
  11. Was on first page and expected if i went to the last page people would have realise how stupid this is. In fact, I can't believe I just wasted my time looking at this. I've just plummeted. Oh dear.
  12. Weird looking mk3 polo... (sure its not a mk4 )
  13. Well impressed oli, just needs a 1.8 t
  14. Stop posting pictures of your bike fred, its rubbish!
  15. If its got anything to do with sm's then I've missed out. Buzz Buzz!
  16. I'd have to disagree with your comments on media courses, sociology, english etc... I'd probably go as far to say as you've never looked at a prospectus for any of these courses, although the contact time is low, to actually pass you need to do a fair amount of work. The first year is what most courses are judged by too and admittedly the work load is lower than other courses in the first year. If you make it to the 2nd and 3rd though, the workload gets a lot heavier, and as with anything, the course is as much work as you make for yourself. Sure, it can be blagged like most things but your knowledge will be far lower than someone who has put in the work. It's pretty ironic that you're getting up on your high horse having a go at everyone for not being pro active too, seeing as you're just having a moan more than anything. Can't really see any general progression evolving from your pissy attitude.
  17. A tribe called quest aren't u.k.
  18. Yo.. Theres loads out there, but its a case of finding what you like and don't like. I'm a fan of: Phi Life cypher Jehst Skinny man Yungun Verb T Kashmere Ghost Lewis Parker Aim Akala asaviour Broke'n'english Example Roots manuva Sway Excalibah Foreign Beggers Mark B and Blade (only selected stuff though) Ty Thats all I can think of off the top of my head...
  19. If you dial 2580 on your mobile phone and hold it to the music it usually identifies the song and texts the title etc to you!
  20. Just do both you tight arse. They're pretty cheap parts if you get them from gsf or euro's and you'll be safe in the knowledge it's all fresh. Prevention is better than cure.
  21. Agreed. I think it's pretty blatant he was ragging the tits off it. 1000 odd bhp, you're bound to stretch your legs occasionally.
  22. Yeah man, I almost came when i read that. Good to see a decent post once in a while, as i never bother with any myself nowadays!
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