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Everything posted by the666ers

  1. Skream essential mix is good stuff
  2. Yes. Most threads go this way on the forum.. so its nothing new really.
  3. LOL dave listen to you. Tainted with the bmx brush? When did a load of bmxers drag you down an alleyway and gang rape you?! I was making a point about a paticular habit people have on the forum that generally pisses me off. This is a forum. Forums are for posting YOUR opinions and sharing your outlook/ideas/whatever. By quoting someone elses post and adding nothing at all to it, you're simply recylcing someone elses opinion. Complete waste of time.... If you're accusing me of being a fashionable bmxer who sits around all evening not riding then you're clearly misled. I spend all evening sat in the pub getting drunk and talking about h&m jeans thanks very much. You're just sad to have lost me to the 'darkside' action man.
  4. Nah it's not a shitty attitude at all. It's common sense surely?
  5. Why would you just quote someone elses post and add nothing to it? Do you have a brain?
  6. Sanctuary today, and the forcast is: Wtf is that supposed to mean.
  7. Mk2 gt's (or coupe 's' models) are carbed, Mk3's are mpi. Haynes manual will reveal all the answers! Has a list of all models specific engine specifications.
  8. Get over it, its only a forum. If you don't like the rules then find another one! Those who obide by the rules will never get a ban or warnings, those who don't will. Simple as. If you're getting warnings and bans, you obviously doing something wrong!
  9. Ollie you floppy haired hippy!!!
  10. Punto's are definitely not reliable cars so cross that off initially... You need to be more specific with the type of models you are looking at? Which mk corsa? There's 3 or 4 now!!! Set out a budget and people can help you much easier!
  11. You're getting a kit you've never heard or played? Nutter. You should go and listen to as many different kits as you can before you buy one!!! That way you get to look at the different hardware, see which is nicer quality, etc etc.... Just makes more sense in my opinion?
  12. I used to be an avid drummer, got a reasonable kit and had a full studio at home. Still got my full akg mic set and kit but it never gets out now I've moved house to a more residential area and gone to uni. Was in a band that did ok around my area, if you're interested you can check out my old band HERE Might post some pics of my drum kit, although I'm sure there was a thread a while ago about this. James
  13. In answer to joels question THIS is the answer. Unfortunately the world is full of wankers. As the above video demonstrates.. James
  14. Less of the msn chat on le forum foo. (yeah i am, back for a month or so now - saltbury sesh one day?)
  15. You knows i aint that much of a miserable sod in real life fred. I just like pretending to be a willy online. It makes me feel big.
  16. Word to that man. www.google.com Devo - the swear filter is adding astericks to that link - use your initiative and all will become clear.
  17. What that man said A simple google search would have sufficed.
  18. See my first post, i've linked the websites for all the events i'm going to. otherwise it's HERE!
  19. Looks like we'll be going for very similar things - gonna be maaad!
  20. Rebirth does indeed look FAT, although fell on same weekend as Glade
  21. Yo everyone. I'm in an abnormally exciteable mood having just spent £200 on tickets for various festivals this year, so I thought I'd start a thread where we can all share the excitement of festival going... This year I'm going to Sanctuary, Nass, and Glade Sanctuary 29th-30th June NASS 6th-8th July Glade 20th-22nd July I think I'm most looking forward to glade out of the lot, seeing Squarepusher, Aphex Twin, Unkle, Venetian Snares, Bassclef, Fourtet, all on one weekend will be pretty intense, plus all the other acts there which should be amazing! So, where are you going this summer?!
  22. Thats cool mate, i dont though. He sounds like he's deliberately singing off pitch, can't hold a note for shit.
  23. But my god, don't you wish he'd just stop singing? Heard some 'skream' yeasterday which i thought was pretty fat!
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