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Everything posted by Bondy

  1. Isnt there already a torrent file up for the xbox 360 version anyway? Got it on preorder for ps3 though, cant wait! multiplayer is going to be awesome, this will probably be the reason why i fail my a-levels
  2. Bondy

    Old Or New

    New Server, although i clicked old by accident when i did the poll Safari, firefox Virgin/NTL
  3. Bondy

    Pc Problem.

    So you can use your browser fine etc, yet itunes doesnt work, what else have you tried using apart from itunes that doesnt work either? Also what errors are you getting? and what do you mean by them being blocked? Seems a bit odd that your browser would work yet others things wouldnt, as that would mean you are connected to the internet lol, and itunes works on the same port as browsers aswell i believe so it wouldnt be because that was blocked.
  4. why wasnt handbrake a suitable option? as its "FREE" Did it not work? If youre that desperate just torrent visualhub
  5. Handbrake for both windows and mac or visualhub
  6. Bondy

    Is Abortion Art?

    + 1 Kinda reminds of another weird art thingy where some guy got hold of a dog that was found as a stray on the streets and put it in an art exhibition to show it starving itself to death and told the people in the exhibition not to feed it, which if i remember from the article none of them did. They didnt actually starve the dog, but it was good to see that some peope still accepted a dog starving as art and didnt feed it.
  7. Bondy


    Do you have to adhere to a specific ratio, e.g 1:1 or more? Also unless you dont actually know what you are doing whilst using torrents then there should be a very slim chance of getting a dodgey file, its kinda like when people use limewire and complain they get viruses because they were trying to download a song that was a 500kb .zip file.
  8. Bondy


    Well that depends on whether you believe that all problems of biological or not...
  9. Bondy


    Have you actually been to a doctor? How did you come about figuring out you are depressed? Everyone has down days, some last for a while some dont, like people have said, go see a doctor, see what they say, ask to be referred to a therapist if they think you may have depression, other than that theres not really much you can expect from a trials forum.
  10. As if Virgin media wasnt as slow as shit half the time anyway. Wouldnt it also be pretty hard to do, contacting every single website in the world and asking them for money on the off chance that you happen to want full speed access to it? Like Tom said, as if they dont rape us with really low speeds during peak times and then even lower because a site hasnt paid for us to gain full speed access, then people will move to different ISP's. lol yeh i was kinda thinking the same thing, some random chick with big tits just pops up on the screen
  11. yeh i remember seeing that clip in the film when i saw it, was pretty funny, although you are called Barry and since the day of the bike crash have stuck to riding kids scooters instead
  12. Bondy


    so whats the difference between demonoid and other torrent sites?
  13. Like everyone says you should have plenty of time to do other stuff, the only advice id give is that if you get coursework, then just make sure you get it in as soon as possible, re-do any mistakes as soon as possible and then get it back in again. Thats the only thing i wish id done better is some of the coursework as i would be weeks behind (as im one of those people who leaves things to the last day) then basically spend a whole week catching up and not being able to go out before i was back on track otherwise i wouldve screwed up.
  14. Yeh i remember seeing some of the last series and it was pretty good, did you see the one where him and some other guy go up to everest and go around on some paramotors, it was pretty good to watch. didnt realise there was a new series so i guess ill be putting my college work on hold even longer!
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlKG09czR-U thats about as good as i could get... Also what with all the people posting the same videos yet just with different crappy music on top
  16. The jist of it is that "We are very very small" and that universe is "Very big" and God made the universe which he liked to reiterate many times, although i didnt get through watching it all.
  17. Wooooo! We love you Jesus!!!! I dont really want to waste 40mins of my life watching that shite. We're really small, yet God is made this whole place for just 'us', that just shows ignorance as he stated many times that its impossible to see whats in the universe, yet seems to think that of course we are the only ones around. I think the whole thing could be done without reference to god and instead just be a good way of showing how vast the universe is. A 38mins lol, that reminds me of people seeing jesus in empty beer glasses or potatoes looking like jesus
  18. Is it a .zip file extension? Also is the file part of another file, for example you get certain files such as .R00 .R01 .R02 etc and you need to have all of the files within the same directory to be able to extract a file and the file must be extracted from the .R00 file. But yeh try WinRaR anyway. What is it anyway that youre are trying to extract?
  19. Bondy


    Whenever ive made macro's ive ended up with code looking like R[-1]C[-5] as r=row and c=column and it relates to obviously the rows and columns that the formulae is relating to from the position of the current cell, just another way of showing the default A=column 1=row etc.
  20. Bondy

    The "grid"

    I would just be glad if we could actually keep up with the internet speeds possible at the moment, the average speed in the U.K is like 5-8mbps, whereas in japan, sweden etc its like 50+. Although according to virgin media we already have optical fibre cables, which is true, but they dont actually go to our homes, they are just at the main core networks where most big organisations have fibre optic anyway to channel the large amounts of traffic Although if we did get super duper speeds of gbs, then hopefully the hard drive technology would need to be increased otherwise we wouldnt be able to write quickly enough to take advantage of the speeds anyway surely?
  21. I would just say that i already bought them, they cant prove that you did or did not take them, its a bit like if you went and bought various other items from within the shop, such as ipods, dvd's etc and had them with you, just say that you got them ages ago, otherwise they would get you for bringing anything into the store that also they just happened to sell. (unless of course you got a shitload)
  22. Theres loads that you can do aswell, i remember seeing these ages ago, was quite amusing
  23. I've had a linksys WRT45GS and have a D-Link DIR-635 (also supports 802.11n) at the moment both using the modem they give you. Also im assuming this is the 'Up To' 20mb connection that they offer, if so then this is what i have at the moment and can tell that from monitoring my connection speed recently, at around 7:30-8:00 each day my download and upload speeds get throttled and dont return to normal until 1am but then would only really affect you if you download lots. Also on average (dependent upon the host you are downloading from) i usually get around 1.2-1.8 mb/s rarely ever see it go past 2 which is what it should be able to!
  24. And the dumbass award goes to me, i was just having a quick flick through my songs and seeing what was different between the ones i had purchased and the ones i hadnt, then i realised that i had recently changed my e-mail address on my account and for some reason it had de-authorised my computer, so ive authorised it again and voila it all works fine and dandy
  25. Yup, sorry i also forget to mention that every other media works fine, including movies and other music i have acquired elsewhere all works fine, its only the stuff that has been purchased off of itunes that doesnt work, which makes no sense to me
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