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Everything posted by Bondy

  1. Really good video, glad to see some natural for a change to the big huge stuff going on in the streety vids (Y) oh and the song is In Flames - Evil In A Closet :P for those who wanted to know.
  2. Here you go! Chris_G << Left Clicky Size: 38.9 MB Length: 3:52 Song: Yellow Card - Way Away (Y)
  3. Seems like someones been doing there homework on him, maybe a secret bummer of chris himself? :P" and yes he is also actually a very good rider for the time he's been doing trials (Y) Yes i still have the vid its just called Chris_G i do believe, i can upload it for you tomorrow if you want??
  4. bumpage So whos coming then the ride is still on for tomorrow :ermm: I've gone and buggered up my bike, yay! ^_^ my freewheel has completely fallen to bits lol I may still come though, not sure. hehe, im sorry i'll try and change it to something else amusing :huh: *cough*scene points ++ from the bond*cough* have no idea what they are though ^_^
  5. Bondy

    Tra On Vinco Bike

    too right! took me ages to find it! not exactly a user friendly site :- downloading now, will edit when done EDIT: reeeealy good video, even the rain, snow, hail and strong winds dont even stop you from riding :D Huge stuff going on there, nice one, looking good on the vinco aswell :D
  6. We love you 2 :P Yeh having some new people come will be pretty sweet, ill make sure i dont break my bike again by sunday so i can definetely come :- :turned: Come on anymore riders from ipswich or around that area interested in coming?? see if we can make it a big(ish) ride :(
  7. Aye your are el correcto tis wank, but ive lived here for 16 years so its going to be wank for me anyway :) There are some cool places to ride though (Y) , i just find them boring because ive rode them so many times but its still all good, theres stuff mainly in, out and around the town centre, depends what sort of things your looking for :D Theres a roundabout which you can go underground and go into the middle of, has some cool drop gaps, and some walls to mess about one which are pretty cool, then theres quite a few other places which are sweet to ride, some places with lots of crates aswell :( If you fancy coming then give it a go (Y) could end up being pretty cool
  8. Yeh im up for the ride, more people that come the better, so for anyone living in and around the Colchester area up for a ride come down :S Aslong as the weather holds out over the weekend should be good (Y) My bike is only just about rideable though but i'll still come :( Cya there, James.B.
  9. Great vid Dan :P Brings back memories from the rides with matt and andy, gary etc ;) and spending lots of money on pizza :("
  10. Had a go on this a couple of weeks ago, tis a very nice bike, nice and easy on the backwheel (Y) much much better than your monty (Y)
  11. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....topic=35813&hl= :D tells you how to do everything there
  12. This was my beast of a bike :- notice the nice 'tight' chain aswell :P"
  13. Bondy

    Sister Time!

    twas what i was thinking :-
  14. Curtis-e-bear's mum and sister :D im joking btw (Y) and lots of money
  15. I saw this back in December :) (high quality version) Tis a very very good trailer (Y)
  16. That was a great video! Good Editing Good Music and all around great riding from everyone! and them sidehops from Craig Scott well, what can you say there just crazy lol (Y) Ride in Peace DJ.
  17. Bondy


    BondyJ ID: 3715739
  18. I got some of them magura's and they said they were black/gold aswell because well they are....black maguras with gold levers....except mine didnt come with the rear brake pads so I had to wait for them to re send them :D
  19. heres my attempt at your bike CH!P :thumbsup: (even though after looking at mine then yours look exactly the same lol :- ) looks quite nice in black too....
  20. nothing special but here you go......
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