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Everything posted by Bondy

  1. Safari on a Mac and i get huge avatars!
  2. You obviously missed many of the other joke threads we used to have...about black people and drummers in most areas also rape victims, child molestation, you get the drift. Some people need to ligthen up, i actually do have black friends im not a racist b*****d It's called a joke for a reason, im hardly dictating racist views to people....anyway this is a thread hijack now, so back on topic
  3. I have many black friends also....until my dad sold them all.....oooh... *insert drum noise* bud a bum chii *insert drum noise*...ill be here all week
  4. Guano Apes - big in japan
  5. The Last Shadow Puppets - The age of the understatement
  6. Indeed i have done now, she was still annoyed though, so i just let her be angry for a bit, we had some making up time this evening which is always fun. I didnt mean to make it sound like they were preventing me, its just that when i did go to her, they all started beings dicks towards me, apparently they said sorry anyway according to the missus, so she finally believes me and that it was just a mistake Ah well, women are a pain in the ass
  7. I was out in a club with some mates, my gf was out with some of hers in the same place, i didnt realise that the guys who looked like they were all over her, touching her and getting right up close and stuff were her friends, i went over to her later and when i did one of them told me to back off and f**k off, so i went a bit crazy being fuelled by drink and started on about 5 people at once (rooawr because im ard! ) Now shes mega pissed at me as they were just her mates and they were being like that because she didnt want any other guys coming up to her as she was seeing me and they didnt know who i was yet either, so maybe that was fair enough Was i just being a dick and was rather drunk, or was i right to do what i did, as i didnt know who they were?
  8. Bondy

    New Music

    Pierce The Veil Dance Gavin Dance Consider The Thief Idiot Pilot Example White Rose Movement Incubus
  9. Bondy

    The Gym

    Its only low intensity high duration (6.5mph for about 60 odd mins), i dont feel too fatigued in the days after exercise, dont get any injuries or anything and im progressing as i should be, if i was weight training that much, then yeh thats a fair enough point, the cardio isnt at as a high enough intensity to need me to rest as much. Weights are only twice a week at the moment, going on a lower/upper body split for now until i start up a proper split routine
  10. Bondy

    The Gym

    5-6 times a week, 7+ miles each day cardio on the treadmill at the moment
  11. Bondy


    I hope that post was purely for irony Anyway as for us people who you say base 'our entire film choice' from local big chain cinemas, we probably dont, its just the fact that i wanted to go out and see a film, plus the fact its not exactly very far away and something to do of an evening if your stuck for ideas and want to do something. I think the fact that this film causes so much contempt in some of you to just beat it down and it causes controversy and annoyance which will give it the public attention it wants anyway, although to be honest, its probably not bad a film compared to most of the big budget pieces of shit we get now anyway
  12. Bondy


    Watching it tomorrow night after work as there are bugger all else films to watch ( i mean 'teeth' what the f**k is that all about? ), kidulthood aint bad, they are just overexaggerations of what life would actually be like in certain areas, whilst just dealing with specific issues
  13. Do you know your sat infront of a computer talking to people sat infront of a computer?
  14. Bondy


    To be honest, if youve already got shit teeth and you manage to get women, im sure braces wont make a difference I suppose it just sucks being in such a society where looks are pretty much everything now and can prevent people from getting good healthcare due to it and looking different
  15. I agree, although both the black women are annoying (no im not racist, or maybe i am who knows!? im just categorising them because they 'are' black) one of which thinks that shes from the ghetto's and sounds like a bloke. Seriously where the hell do they find these people?
  16. Bondy

    The Time

    My Controls > Board Settings > change to GMT london Edit thought you meant it was 20:00 as in PM and 8am on the forum for you, nevermind It's only 6 minutes who gives a shiznay really, my watch is 3 minutes slow
  17. Bah i know how you feel, i ditched seeing this girl about a month ago because this girl ive wanted for ages finally plucked up and said she wanted to start seeing me Now ive been seeing her a few weeks, but it only seems to be like once a week when she picks me up after work and we go somewhere, i try and ask her out any other day of the week and its either "oh ive had a busy day" or "maybe some other time" or she will just change the subject and we only seem to either go out somewhere or go back to mine, never to hers She then tells me that she is going to some kinda ball at the university this saturday with a 'friend', although she dont know anyone else there So she's either seeing some other guy at the moment, even though she says that she isnt, but its just kinda odd that she never seems to want to go out, or just meet up for a bit, or maybe im just being paranoid Yet when i do actually spend time with her shes amazing, i just dont get it, cant be dealing with this shit anyway, im usually one for not seeing a girl everysingle day of the week so i can go out with my mates, but i would like to see them more than once What do you lot reckon?
  18. Just you, working speedy for me recently
  19. haha i do that, my names james bond and i find myself looking at the clock when it just happens to be 00:07...how sad
  20. I'm pretty sure there were people in the auditions who did dancing...and alot better than he did, yet just the fact they werent his age meant that it wasnt good enough. maybe im just a cynic and i hate these kinda shows anyway.
  21. Bondy


    I just draw out how much i want to save, then give it in cash to my mother (hoping that she doesnt screw me over with any miscalculations) and will only give it to me if its something i really need or want to do so i dont go wasting it. She basically she acts like a bank but tells me to f**k off when i try to get money
  22. Bondy

    Myths Thread

    If you shot a gun up in the air, would the bullet kill you if it hit you on the way down If you masturbate too much you will go blind
  23. IMO using your own carrier bags or not using any at all by the few people who actually do it will make bugger all difference anyway, theres so much more stuff that is worse in the world that if people thought the same way about as they do there precious carrier bags they may make a difference. I work in tescos and i get the same when i cant be assed to wait for customers to slowly put there shopping on the belt and pack it themselves so i start packing it and they then freak out and start going oh no dont use those, i want my own bags, im trying to do my bit to save the planet (although most people are kind of sarcastic when they say it) but you still get the few who think they are actually making a difference. I think its just people jumping on the bandwagon due to the mass of media attention global warming is getting and they seem to think we are evil people if we arent doing our bit. And another thing to rant about is people using there own carrier bags and then getting there stupid 'green points' for doing so, if you ever forget to put there points on for them then really freak out, its quite amusing, it seems the only reason they use the things is to get some kind of reward (even though how miniscule it is) out of it, which shows for there true intentions of using the bags anyway.
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