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Everything posted by Bondy

  1. Just thought i'd pop by this forum again and glad to see it's still going as good as ever!! Can't believe i'd have been a member here for nearly 10 years now...where the hell has the time gone
  2. Hey guys, I'm going to be selling my bike in the next few days and my rear brake needed bleeding (hs33), so i went ahead and used the bath method using water I've put the brake into water and undid the slave bolt and the bolt on the brake lever itself, i put one finger over the slave bolt hole and then pulled fully down on the lever, then covered the lever hole and released my finger on the slave hole and let the lever go, i did this until no bubbles were left coming out. I put my brake back together, yet the lever is still going all the way back to the handlebar and doesnt feel right, have i done something wrong, or is my brake knackered? any help appreciated, ta!!
  3. Bondy

    What Can I Do?

    Best thing ive found is just to take up and office job that pays around 7-9 pound an hour and use that to bring in the money whilst looking for a proper job that you are interested in, office jobs arent that hard either aslong as you can talk on a telephone are mildly competent with the use of computers and can use a printer and fax machine you are sorted lol
  4. Why doesnt Nero work for you?, should just be a matter of opening Nero Vision, choose to create a DVD and then adding your file, selecting your settings then burning it? I assume you are just talking about lets say having a 700mb avi file and you want that put onto dvd? If so then Nero, or DVD Shrink, Alcohol 120%, DVD Flick
  5. Bondy

    Apple Or Pc?

    For those who voted PC how many of you have actually used a Mac? Then it simply depends on what you are using it for, i have a macbook which i do all my main work on and general crap i get up to, then my PC is just for gaming everynow and then, although i do run windows on my mac aswell so i get the best of both worlds.
  6. Sounds like you have computer aids You have probably got some malware on your computay or something has been installed as an add-on in IE and firefox that are causing the links to redirect you, try using some anti-spyware software and see if you can get rid of it and also, dont use IE, just stick to firefox or safari if you must
  7. I have an ipod touch and an ipod classic, the ipod touch i use 90% of the time when im going out and i use it a hell of a lot and it has all my music on it and i think that its a much nicer device to use when looking through my music and selecting tracks quickly etc. The reason i have an ipod classic is because i have a shitload of movies and ive converted them all to .mp4 and i use it basically as movie library that i can watch all my films off of onto my t.v at very good quality. Although when ive used it as an mp3 player ive found it a bit bulky and annoying to use after using my ipod touch. I wouldnt want an iphone personally, just for the fact im quite happy with my ipod as a music player and my phone as a phone, its not going to make a big difference if i spent a load of money and got a device that did them both.
  8. Google gravitational/curvature singularities, he is right. Dr. Nick that is...
  9. I watched it with my girlfriend, she thought that it was a load of shit, yet i thought it wasnt a great film and the story was just rubbish, but some bits were pretty funny and its worth the watch.
  10. Torrents...downloaded mine earlier just got back from work and going to watch it now! now im just waiting for the new series of 24, heroes and lost to come on!
  11. + 1 I sit and look on some of my friends itunes and think how the hell can they have there itunes in such a shitty mess, its not difficult to sort out your ID3 tags
  12. There is software other than itunes that you can use for an ipod Also what reasons do you all seem to have in bashing itunes as usually its just a 'lets all jump on the bandwagon' kind of argument
  13. Russell Brand podcast from 26th July
  14. Depending on what file formats you are working with, i use AutoGK, its a really nice little piece of software to compress videos to a pre-defined size and the results are always within a couple of mb of what you want. I usually use divx codec aswell.
  15. Isquint if you use a mac Videora Ipod converter for windows Should be a case of drag and drop the file into the application, select the output filetype and output video dimensions etc (better quality means bigger file size although im sure you know that lol) Oh and also if you are converting to ipod and going to playback films on your t.v or something, then you may find that some movies playback a bit jumpy, which is due to the conversion from 23.98fps from some video files to 25fps on your t.v (its also a pain in the ass to fix)
  16. Cheers for the replies guys, i think i need to have a sit down with her and her parents and talk about what to do as its getting silly now. we will find out tonight because im out in town with my mates and so is he, im not the smallest of chaps but then im not one that goes out looking for a fight either, plus it wouldnt really achieve anything anyway, although to be honest i have bumped into him atleast 3 times during all of this when hes been alone and ive been alone and he's done nothing apart from just stare at me and keep on walking, which just makes me think hes just trying to intimidate her more than anything by saying the things he does, yet i dont know what hes trying to achieve by doing it? and yeh she is really bothered, she rings me up at night because she's crying about something he's said to her this time or said he would do to her family, he even sends her texts that he pretends he was supposed to send to his friends but sends to her by accident atleast one every 2 days, just to get some sort of reply off of her, hes quite pathetic, i dont know why she was with him in the first place he is totally not the kinda guy she has gone with before. She wont change her number because she thinks it will get him even more mad and make him do something theres some right weird people about!
  17. Seeing a girl, her ex-bf is in essence what one would call 'a c*nt', hes been to prison a couple of times for robbery and GBH and basically wont leave her alone at all, he sends her about 20-30 texts a day, usually one saying how much he still loves her and wants her back, then the other calling her every name possible, the reason they split up was that he screwed her best mate..classy, and she wont change her number because it will just make him mad even moreso so she says. Now he's threatening to beat up her dad and me aswell obviously and shes worried that i wil get hurt as he's apparently 'well hard' , even though if you saw him you definitely would think otherwise as he just looks like a skinny guy that thinks hes a gangster and all i have is her word on him being someone to not come across, although to be honest, anyone could go to prison, its just the normal people who dont go around doing whatever the hell they like because we arent all tossers. What the hell am i supposed to do, she wont go out into town because she knows he will be out in the same place, she wont go out certain places with me either as she's worried he will do something if we come across him even though ive told her plenty of times he can go for it, as soon as he does its straight back to prison anyway if hes that much of a douchebag to actually try it, but apparently i just 'dont understand' what he's like. She wont just tell him she's even seeing me as she's worried what will happen. We've been together 3 months now, and we're really happy together apart from this one thing, is it really worth the hassle? So what would you do? (apart from get a bunch of mates and baseball bats and beat the shit out of him lol)
  18. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  19. I know what you mean and the only thing ive done in that situation is just to have to rotate the original image, which is what i guess you did and it works out fine but then you cant be doing it to all the logo's you have, although i dont know if this sounds like a stupid idea but there is software around that does rotate multiple images, if thats what you were on about doing of course thats how ive understood it lol, although i dont get why its doing it like that in the first place though.
  20. Bondy

    .mov Files

    I would say going by that....yes
  21. I'm sure that theyve been saying this all year and most years before this, its just another scare tactic so that the a few people will go "oh shit i better stop downloading" Like said above, they can only monitor the amount of traffic not actually look at your packets of data as it breaches some type of confidentiality, so basically they are just going to rape the users that actually use the service to the limits they are paying for whether it be legally or illegally. It's not as though they dont throttle our speeds enough like hell anyway Also there are several music artists out there who have literally gone and put up there songs onto torrent sites to be downloaded, so is downloading them legally going to be classed as illegal because its file sharing
  22. Bondy

    Iow Or I.o.w?

    the reason it doesnt have the dots on the website address is only due to domain names and sub domain surely, its just easier to put IOW, although it should be i.o.w
  23. Bondy

    Ipod Applications

    Just place and hold your finger on one of the applications until all the apps on the screen start to wiggle, then select, hold and drag the apps individually around the screen, and move them between pages etc, or create new pages for apps to go onto, then hit the home button when youre done to stop them wiggling Think thats what youre on about Are these new apps just on itunes, i havent really looked into any apps for the iphone/touch, have you jailbreaked your ipod? If not you should try that, you can get some really nice themes, or create your own for them
  24. ooooh i was really annoyed, i wanted to post in this thread this morning but i was too drunk to figure out how to turn on my wireless internet on my laptop and instead fell asleep on it, now i have drool marks on it, yummy.
  25. Although ive just run firefox up, and embarassingly to say there normal size when i run that!
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