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About Bondy

  • Birthday 09/17/1988

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  • Real Name
    James Bond
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Czar 07 FrameEcho parts mainlyTensile freewheelMaggy's F/RPlaz pads

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  • Interests
    Bike Trials, My Girlfriend!
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Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. Just thought i'd pop by this forum again and glad to see it's still going as good as ever!! Can't believe i'd have been a member here for nearly 10 years now...where the hell has the time gone
  2. Hey guys, I'm going to be selling my bike in the next few days and my rear brake needed bleeding (hs33), so i went ahead and used the bath method using water I've put the brake into water and undid the slave bolt and the bolt on the brake lever itself, i put one finger over the slave bolt hole and then pulled fully down on the lever, then covered the lever hole and released my finger on the slave hole and let the lever go, i did this until no bubbles were left coming out. I put my brake back together, yet the lever is still going all the way back to the handlebar and doesnt feel right, have i done something wrong, or is my brake knackered? any help appreciated, ta!!
  3. Bondy

    What Can I Do?

    Best thing ive found is just to take up and office job that pays around 7-9 pound an hour and use that to bring in the money whilst looking for a proper job that you are interested in, office jobs arent that hard either aslong as you can talk on a telephone are mildly competent with the use of computers and can use a printer and fax machine you are sorted lol
  4. Why doesnt Nero work for you?, should just be a matter of opening Nero Vision, choose to create a DVD and then adding your file, selecting your settings then burning it? I assume you are just talking about lets say having a 700mb avi file and you want that put onto dvd? If so then Nero, or DVD Shrink, Alcohol 120%, DVD Flick
  5. Bondy

    Apple Or Pc?

    For those who voted PC how many of you have actually used a Mac? Then it simply depends on what you are using it for, i have a macbook which i do all my main work on and general crap i get up to, then my PC is just for gaming everynow and then, although i do run windows on my mac aswell so i get the best of both worlds.
  6. Sounds like you have computer aids You have probably got some malware on your computay or something has been installed as an add-on in IE and firefox that are causing the links to redirect you, try using some anti-spyware software and see if you can get rid of it and also, dont use IE, just stick to firefox or safari if you must
  7. I have an ipod touch and an ipod classic, the ipod touch i use 90% of the time when im going out and i use it a hell of a lot and it has all my music on it and i think that its a much nicer device to use when looking through my music and selecting tracks quickly etc. The reason i have an ipod classic is because i have a shitload of movies and ive converted them all to .mp4 and i use it basically as movie library that i can watch all my films off of onto my t.v at very good quality. Although when ive used it as an mp3 player ive found it a bit bulky and annoying to use after using my ipod touch. I wouldnt want an iphone personally, just for the fact im quite happy with my ipod as a music player and my phone as a phone, its not going to make a big difference if i spent a load of money and got a device that did them both.
  8. Google gravitational/curvature singularities, he is right. Dr. Nick that is...
  9. I watched it with my girlfriend, she thought that it was a load of shit, yet i thought it wasnt a great film and the story was just rubbish, but some bits were pretty funny and its worth the watch.
  10. Torrents...downloaded mine earlier just got back from work and going to watch it now! now im just waiting for the new series of 24, heroes and lost to come on!
  11. + 1 I sit and look on some of my friends itunes and think how the hell can they have there itunes in such a shitty mess, its not difficult to sort out your ID3 tags
  12. There is software other than itunes that you can use for an ipod Also what reasons do you all seem to have in bashing itunes as usually its just a 'lets all jump on the bandwagon' kind of argument
  13. Russell Brand podcast from 26th July
  14. Depending on what file formats you are working with, i use AutoGK, its a really nice little piece of software to compress videos to a pre-defined size and the results are always within a couple of mb of what you want. I usually use divx codec aswell.
  15. Isquint if you use a mac Videora Ipod converter for windows Should be a case of drag and drop the file into the application, select the output filetype and output video dimensions etc (better quality means bigger file size although im sure you know that lol) Oh and also if you are converting to ipod and going to playback films on your t.v or something, then you may find that some movies playback a bit jumpy, which is due to the conversion from 23.98fps from some video files to 25fps on your t.v (its also a pain in the ass to fix)
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